

To submit a personal health, wellbeing or skincare concern please email
I recently thought I had conjunctivitis but the optician has said it’s just extremely dry eyes and given me drops for day and night. I had this same thing last year so I am wondering if it could be weather connected. I’ve also read that dry eyes can be a lack of testosterone in women, I’m 43 and I am wondering whether a testosterone cream rubbed on eyes can help?
One in four women going through perimenopause and menopause suffer from dry eyes. This is because low oestrogen and testosterone levels causes a reduction in the quality of the tear film which is why you have been prescribed eye drops. The safest and the most effective treatment is to consider the use of a supplement called Tear Support with Maquibright which improves the quality of tears. For further benefits, please take Omega-7 Sea Buckthorn Oil capsules which enhance the lipid content in skin, calm down inflammation that may lead to dry eyes, and are the perfect accompaniment to the above supplement.

If you find that the dry eyes drops are not proving to be effective, please use Hycosan Shield, a single ingredient product that works to increase tear film thickness and prevent its evaporation
I’ve been diagnosed as having a ‘herald spot’ but no signs of a more widespread rash as yet. I’d never heard of this condition before and have done a bit of research online. It seems to be triggered by a virus and some articles suggest lysine and glutamine supplements as useful. Do you have any recommendations?
Pityriasis rosea is a self-limiting concern in that it will go away eventually, but yes you are right in that it could be triggered by a virus, particularly by certain strains of the herpes virus, but it is not related to the herpes virus that causes cold sores since PR is not contagious. I would definitely suggest l-Lysine at a dose of 3000mg a day to ensure that the virus does not spread extensively and that the recovery from this is quick. Take one tablet three times a day, thirty minutes before food.

Since a compromised immune system is likely to have been the cause, you may wish to boost your immune system by taking Daily Immunity capsules at a dose of one capsule twice a day. Topically, I have found that Thyme Out spray  to work effectively at encouraging localised healing by calming inflammation and to soothe any itching. Thyme also displays potent antimicrobial and antiviral properties.
Do you have any suggestions on how to treat Oral Lichen Planus?
Oral LP is an ongoing inflammatory concern that affects the mucous membranes inside the mouth causing burning, pain, and soreness. I suggest taking a supplement containing the actives from turmeric called Turmeric Curcumin C3 Complex. These active compounds display potent anti-inflammatory properties and LP is after all the immune system attacking the tissues causing inflammation and sores. Turmeric and its active compounds also display multiple benefits for digestion and for cleansing the blood of toxins.

I would also recommend a specific mouthwash concentrate which has been of great benefit to people with LP called Peri Gum Mouthwash Concentrate. This is a blend of circulatory, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and astringent herbs that all work in synergy for the health of the oral cavity.
I have suffered from facial nerve pain for more than eighteen months and my consultant prescribed Amitriptyline, but I had awful side effects, so I would be grateful for your advice
Amitriptyline is an anti-anxiety medication which displays nerve relaxing properties. The more natural route would be to take a very specific magnesium compound called Magnesium L-Threonate. Neuro-Mag contains this magnesium compound, which has been shown to enter the spinal cord, therefore it is able to reach the nervous system and the nerves around the body.
My daughter, age 20, has whooping cough, she is on antibiotics and is feeling slightly better, but she has a terrible cough, is exhausted, her sinuses are starting to hurt, and she is also suffering from very low mood. Please can you recommend anything that can help her feel better and anything that can help protect and heal her lungs. She is vegan.
I am not surprised to learn that your daughter is exhausted and feeling low, and I totally understand wanting to protect and heal the lungs since these can get inflamed and damaged as a result of this infection. May I suggest that your daughter takes Comvita Manuka Honey Elixir with Propolis. This cough elixir is very soothing on the throat and both Manuka Honey and Propolis display antimicrobial properties. Another option which many herbalists prefer is the use of Mullein Tincture which has a long traditional use for coughs, whooping cough, bronchitis and similar concerns.

I would also recommend the use of Cisca Salt Pipe. Salt Pipes are known to detoxify and calm inflammation in the lungs as well as ease breathing. The ultra-fine particles in the inhaler tend to help the healing of inflamed tissues in the respiratory tract. Finally, infections in the body are invariably associated with a compromised immune system and to this end I would suggest that your daughter takes Daily Immunity capsules at a dose of one capsule twice a day for one or two months. This contains a comprehensive selection of the finest herbs to enhance white blood cell counts, probiotics to produce their immune enhancing compounds (and this is important especially because antibiotics destroy these beneficial bacteria), and vitamins D and C for their varying role in the immune system.
My adult son has chronic prostatitis (not bacterial). He has been discharged by Urology at our local hospital following an appointment this week and thankfully, all tests have been negative, so it's a case of managing the condition as best as he can. He's recently started taking Zinc, but I wonder if there's anything else you would recommend in terms of supplementation which might be helpful, please?
Non-bacterial prostatitis is common and clearly associated with inflammation of the prostate gland, which needs to be addressed because ongoing inflammation is not good for the prostate gland nor for the cells which result in changes in their genetic material. Hence I would suggest that your son take Turmeric Curcumin C3 Complex, which contains three of the most potent compounds found in turmeric root that display powerful anti-inflammatory properties and are also very powerful antioxidants which protect all soft tissues such as the prostate gland. This should also help to be less reliance on anti-inflammatory medications.

It would also be prudent to ensure that your son pays attention to strengthening his pelvic floor because, in some cases, there is damage to the muscles of the pelvic floor and/or pelvic nerve irritation.
Nearly three years ago I was diagnosed with Granuloma Annulare. It started on my lower legs and spread down to my ankles and across my feet. It also appeared on my wrists twelve months ago. My doctors have not been able to tell me why or how I got this, but they have said it will go away in a couple of years. I was wondering if you have any information on this and is there anything I can do to relieve and irradicate them.
GA for many people disappears within a few months, although for a minority this does persist for a few years. Skin trauma in the past or hypersensitivity are possible causal factors although we do not fully understand why, however what we do understand is that the condition arises as a result of inflammation so it would be a good idea to consider the use of Clear Skin Complex by Viridian Nutrition, take one capsule twice a day. Clear Skin Complex contains burdock root which enhances liver detoxification to help remove compounds that may be responsible for causing inflammation; zinc to help heal inflamed skin tissues quickly and other supporting herbs and nutrients.

Topically, and since this appears to be widespread, spray some Thyme Out which helps calm down inflammation which will help encourage the healing of skin tissues.
For as long as I can remember, I have always had super dry skin around my nails which extends to the first knuckles on my thumbs, yet I haven’t found a moisturiser to stop the dryness. Is there a solution because my skin often bleeds?
Normally indicative of a lack of good fats in one's diet, dry skin around the nails can also be linked to fungal infections, inflammation, and other reasons. Since this has been going on for a while, may I please suggest that you apply Fulvic Nail Cream to the cuticle bed and to the skin around the nails two or three times a day. This topical treatment for nails works to moisturise skin, reduce inflammation, and displays potent antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

Also, please take some Omega-7 Sea Buckthorn Oil capsules to restore healthy lipids in skin. Omega-7 essential fatty acids help to alleviate many dry skin concerns such as dry skin on face and body, dry eyes, and vaginal dryness.
I have very sensitive facial skin and, like Gill, I can’t tolerate essential oils, but I have yet to find a facial sunscreen that does not make me want to cry – literally. Do you have any suggestions please?
iS Clinical Extreme Protect SPF40 is a translucent sunscreen with zero essential oils which is suitable for even the most sensitive skin types. It contains extremozymes, and these enzymes shield the cells from free radical damage which are a result of sun exposure even with UVA/UVB filters. This is actually the sunscreen that Gill has used for many years.
I have a rash under my armpit, which is red and itchy. Can you recommend anything please.
Rashes under armpits can occur for a variety of reasons from the dampness of the environment under the armpits, due to tight wearing clothes, synthetic clothes that don’t allow skin to breathe, diabetes, etc. Please spray some Thyme Out into the area twice a day to encourage the healing of any inflammation whilst at the same time mitigating any bacteria that may be either responsible or exacerbate the condition. Elsa's Armpit Serum might also be an option to consider. This soothing serum works to calm irritated skin whilst also containing salicylic acid for gentle exfoliation and probiotics to restore a healthy microbiome environment in skin.
I caught a virus at the end of March and it has gone through every ENT mutation possible since, then culminating in chronic sphenoidal sinusitis. Although I can breathe and sleep at night my nose is stuffy and there is post-nasal drip from the inflammation. I also have dreadful headaches above my eyes and a pulling sensation at the sides of my nose. I have tried every medication under the sun prescribed my doctor and ENT consultant but it still won’t completely shift. It’s getting me down, can you recommend anything?
Thank you for your email and I do understand the situation you are currently experiencing. You are right in that it is inflammation that leads to sinus congestion and to post-nasal drip. This also lends to pressure that results in headaches, so I am going to outline a simple but effective regimen as follows. Please take Plantago Tincture which is a safe and effective remedy at calming inflammation in the whole of the respiratory tract including the nasal passages. This remedy can be taken for as long as is necessary, for months without fear of side effects.

Please also take N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) which is an amino acid with multiple benefits to the body. From the point of sinus congestion, this nutrient helps to break down the bonds that form mucus easing its expulsion. Finally, please use Sinol-D, a homeopathic nasal spray that works to decongest the nasal cavity. This natural nasal spray also contains an extract of chilli peppers that desensitises the trigeminal nerve that sends signals of pain from the face to the brain and so will help to ease headaches whilst the above two remedies start to work.
I was wondering if you could give me some advice about electrolytes. I am 65 years old and a keen and active runner, however, I am concerned that I may not have adequate electrolyte consumption. After a lot of recent intense running, I suffered some injuries and have also felt sluggish in my runs.
Electrolytes are absolutely vital if you are engaged in sports activities because the chances are the minerals such as magnesium and sodium will not be provided for in sufficient amounts for the body to be replenished and for the body to remain hydrated. Taking electrolyte liquids helps performance, and crucially recovery, as the body is able to stay hydrated and remove waste products from the muscles. I recommend Viridian's Electrolyte Fix Liquid, which is an excellent formulation
Can you recommend something to regulate a lazy thyroid and keep cortisol levels regulated? I have a lot of belly fat as well and I cannot get it under control.
All glands communicate with each other using hormones as chemical messengers so, for example, the adrenal hormones communicate with all glands including the thyroid and vice versa. If you are struggling with belly fat then perhaps consider supporting the thyroid with Thyroid Complex which contains nutrients to enhance thyroid hormone synthesis and so help metabolism.
Can you recommend something to regulate a lazy thyroid and keep cortisol levels regulated? I have a lot of belly fat as well and I cannot get it under control.
Vitamin B1 in a strength of 500 mg per day has been reported in some studies to repel mosquitoes and other flying insects. I would recommend taking it seven to ten days before your holiday and during the holiday.
I have recently developed dry flaky patches on my scalp which are very itchy and if I scratch them, they bleed. I have not changed shampoo or used anything new. Is there anything you can suggest that may help?
There are many causal factors for a dry, itchy scalp and they include both external and internal factors such as dermatitis, stress, hormonal changes, lack of essential fats in one's diet and changes in temperature. I would suggest that you take an Omega 7 supplement, such as Sibu Omega 7 capsules, which work to replenish ceramides in skin and on the scalp since a lack of these may be the most obvious case.

Fulvic Mist is a rejuvenating mist that works to calm down microinflammation in the scalp, deeply nourishing the follicles and helping to alleviate itching. The reduction in microinflammation often addresses a dry scalp too, so please apply to the scalp every other day, or two or three times a week.
Can you recommend the right product for my elderly father who has taken medication that has thinned his skin and now has very distressingly dry areas on his arms and legs. It seems as if having lost his moisture levels he is now prone to a host of irritations, flaky patches, rashes and a lot of discomfort. Basic emollients aren’t effective enough. Do you have any recommendations?
Although mostly steroidal, there are medications which do thin skin, making it more prone to dryness and inflammation.This is because the tiny oil particles, called ceramides, are lost and these are the particles that keep skin moisturised, so we need to take an approach that works both from the inside and outside and I recommend taking Omega-7 Sea Buckthorn Oil capsules daily. This is an essential fatty acid that is used to moisturise dry skin conditions ranging from dry eyes to dry skin on the face and body. It is totally safe with almost all medications and I think it is paramount in restoring a healthy skin barrier. Topically, I would suggest using Gloves In A Bottle Hand Shielding Lotion. More than an artificial moisturiser, this cream acts in two ways by forming a barrier against moisture loss and by providing long lasting moisture and hydrating benefits. It is suitable for any area on the body.
I have always had fine hair, but in the last few years I seem to shed hair a lot more. My diet is good and varied, I take statins and a tablet for high blood pressure, so I am not sure if this has any relevance. Can you please help.
Statins rarely cause hair loss but some beta blockers used for high blood pressure may cause hair loss. I would suggest that you take Ionicell for Women containing Fulvic Acid which is generally recognised as safe for use with statins and blood pressure medications. Fulvic Acid is a nutrient that holds 65+ minerals and trace minerals that deeply nourish the body including the scalp follicles with ionic minerals whilst also enhancing keratin and collagen production. As always, please take any supplement, such as Ionicell, at least two hours away from any medication, just to be prudent.
Is there a supplement you can recommend to help with rheumatoid arthritis?
I would recommend Superior Joints at a dose of two capsules once daily. Superior Joints contains Natural Eggshell Membrane which has been clinically studied and found to have potent anti-inflammatory properties. Natural Eggshell Membrane contains two rare amino acids including proline which are thought to encourage healthy cartilage production. This supplement also contains hyaluronic acid to cushion the cartilage matrix in between bones, as well as turmeric and ginger to encourage circulation in order to remove the acids that cause pain and stiffness. For the majority, pain relief is often within days and the supplement is safe to be taken on an ongoing basis or for as long as is necessary. Superior Joints does not stimulate the immune system, so it is beneficial for both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
I wondered if there were any products you could recommend for a long haul flight please? We as a family always seem to end up with an illness after the flight so if there's anything that would help give a boost this would be much appreciated.
I always recommend Daily Immunity capsules prior to long haul flights. This supplement contains herbs that enhance white blood cell counts, probiotics to enhance immunoglobulins which support the immune system, vitamins C and D, as well as mushroom extracts which all work in varying ways to support the immune system and to ensure that the immune response is quick and efficient to any pathogen. Altitude Oil is an aromatherapy blend which is formulated to clear the sinuses and head as well as offer some antimicrobial and antiviral properties
I caught a cough mid-January and haven't been able to shift it despite taking antibiotics and steroids, but as soon as I finish them it simply returns. It feels like it is caught at the back of my throat and often I feel there is something stuck in my nose but there isn't anything there. Do you have any suggestions?
It could be that there is inflammation in the entire respiratory tract that may be causing post-nasal drip that often results in a cough. I suggest two herbal remedies, Plantago Tincture and Bronchoforce Tincture. Mix 15 drops of each together in some water and drink this three times a day. Plantago soothes the mucus membranes in the nasal cavity whilst Bronchoforce contains Ivy to soothe the chest, and Thyme to open up the airways to help ease congestion and stop the cough reflex.
I was reading your article about B1 preventing mosquito bites. Can I ask if it is safe for a nine-year-old child.
would not recommend taking vitamin B1 in children under twelve years of age and would rely on topicals to repel all flying insects such as Mosi-Guard which is a natural DEET-free insect repellent suitable for use in children over six months of age. This insect repellent contains Citridiol derived from the lemon eucalyptus tree and can provide up to eight hours of protection.
My daughter-in-law suffers badly from psoriasis which is all over her body, legs, arms, hands. Can you please recommend products for her to take or use which can help.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune concern so your daughter-in-law has to ensure that she is not taking immune boosting herbs at any time of the year as this can make matters worse. I have found the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine to be very useful. According to TCM, something in the bloodstream causes inflammation since psoriasis is not contagious and this theory sits well with me because whenever I recommend a good liver cleanser, the condition improves considerably. It may be prudent to use Milk Thistle Liver Complex as this supplement contains a comprehensive range of herbs which work on both the phases of the liver detoxification cycle helping to neutralise toxins and eliminate them from the body.

Topically, the African sausage tree, Kakadu plum and other soothing and calming herbs work well to relieve inflammation and encourage healthy cell production since it is this proliferation of cells due to inflammation caused by the immune system that causes these skin lesions.
I just wondered if you had any thoughts on how to deal with labyrinthitis and an inner ear infection.
Labyrinthitis (LB) is usually caused by some sort of an inner ear infection leading to inflammation which then disturbs the fine hairs in the ear canal which, in turn, causes vestibular neuritis, disorientation and vertigo. I have found that two remedies work effectively. The first, Plantago Tincture, works to unblock mucus even in the inner ear and is often used for glue ear. It has mild antibacterial properties and anti-inflammatory properties which helps calm inflammation. Ginger capsules will also help address these symptoms.
I have a friend who is on blood thinning medication and has to be careful what other medication she can take. She suffers with aches and pains every day, so can you suggest something natural she could take.
Aches and pains may be associated with a number of concerns notably menopause and beyond, but also perhaps due to a magnesium deficiency which is very common in the adult population since magnesium is a mineral involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body including muscle and nerve function. Magnesium is a safe mineral and can be combined with most medications, so I would recommend DoSe Magnesium Complex at a dose of one capsule daily. Magnesium Complex contains several magnesium compounds to help alleviate pain, enhance energy, cleanse the gut, together with many other benefits.
I would be inclined to deeply nourish the scalp follicles by taking a supplement containing Fulvic Acid which provides 65+ minerals and trace elements. Additionally, this supplement helps reduce any underlying inflammation in the body including the scalp, which can only be beneficial.
I would be inclined to deeply nourish the scalp follicles by taking a supplement containing Fulvic Acid which provides 65+ minerals and trace elements. Additionally, this supplement helps reduce any underlying inflammation in the body including the scalp, which can only be beneficial.
I have been diagnosed with trigger finger in my thumb joint. I had a steroid shot last year, but I do not want to continue with steroids and the swelling and pain has returned so I'm wondering what you would suggest.
Conventional treatments for a trigger finger involve ice and heat, as well as anti-inflammatory medications whether steroidal or simply analgesic type medications. I have found the following regimen to be of value in helping to not only alleviate pain but to also help ease movement. Firstly, please take a magnesium supplement such as Magnesium Complex. Magnesium is a mineral that helps to relax muscles, tendons and nerves and we need this to occur since the tendon or the tunnel that the tendon runs through can get inflamed and cause this effect.

I would also prefer to use a quality curcumin supplement such as Turmeric Curcumin C3 Complex. This supplement provides three of the most-studied curcumin type compounds found in turmeric with an extract from black pepper called BioPerine which enhances the utilisation of these powerful natural anti-inflammatory compounds. Finally, please apply Capsicum and Ginger Warming Cream twice a day. Capsicum is the extract from chilli peppers which numbs pain. Ginger enhances localised circulation and the combination helps to enhance movement and alleviate localised pain.
I am hoping that you might be able to advise me on supplements for my 21-year-old daughter who is vegan. Can you please list some products in order of priority to help me convince her to supplement her diet.
Instead of trying to convince your daughter to take multiple supplements, perhaps it would be prudent for her to start with a specific multivitamin for vegans or those following a plant-based diet such as Viridian Nutrition Essential Vegan Multivitamin which contains the higher amounts of B12 and iron required.
I suffer from migraines. I am on a preventive treatment but have also heard that magnesium oxide could be a good idea and wonder what you think about this please?
Magnesium oxide and many other magnesium compounds will all be of benefit to varying degree in preventing and treating migraines. Magnesium deficiencies are extraordinarily common and I would recommend that you take one capsule daily of Magnesium Complex which provides magnesium oxide together with several other magnesium compounds which provides the hundreds of benefits magnesium is involved in.
Will Diosmin Plus help with anal fissures or can you recommend anything else?
Viridian Organic Horse Chestnut Balm is an excellent topical used for the fast relief of pain, itching, swelling and discomfort as a result of fissures in the anal area. I would also recommend the amino acid L-Arginine HCl. Arginine is a very important amino acid which displays multiple benefits to the body including enhanced circulation, and so is cardioprotective, as well as supporting the immune system. There are several studies which have concluded that oral supplementation of L-arginine at high doses could heal the wound and improve clinical symptoms. I suggest a dose of one tablet three times a day, preferably away from food.
I am going through quite a tough time at the moment and I’m feeling a little down. I have taken St John’s Wart in the past, but I’m now on Tamoxifen and you can’t take St John’s Wort with Tamoxifen. I’ve seen lots of recommendations for anxiety supplementation, but I don’t feel anxious just a little down. Additionally, I’m not sure what I can take with my medication.
It might be prudent for you to take Terranova Vitamin B Complex with Vitamin C at a dose of one capsule twice a day. The B complex vitamins display a multitude of benefits which include energy enhancement, drive by enhancing dopamine levels, nerve calming and enhance what we call ‘the stress response’, which is the ability of the body to deal with symptoms of feeling a bit under the weather. These vitamins do not have oestrogenic properties, which would be contraindicated with Tamoxifen, so I would recommend this supplement which is food-derived for maximum utilisation of both these vitamins. Please take a couple of hours away from Tamoxifen just to be prudent.
My son-in-law has been suffering with a severe cracked heel, to the extent that it has been bleeding. Can you explain the cause for this and a solution?
Often, dry cracked heels are associated with a lack of essential fatty acids in one's diet because it is EFA’s that help to manufacture ceramides which, in turn, help to moisturise skin. Omega-7s are very important for dry skin and they can be taken without any side effects. Cracked Heel Treatment with a blend of several butters, oils and chemical exfoliators, would be a topical solution.
I was wondering if you had a recommendation for Skeeter Syndrome, which is a severe reaction to mosquito bites.
Conventional treatment for a severe allergic reaction involves the use of antihistamines, topical creams and allergy shots. Certainly, nettle extracts work to inhibit histamine as well as eliminate a variety of toxins, which is why they are often used for allergies and may prove to be useful.
The skin on my arms is very thin. If I knock against something a blood blister comes up. How can I strengthen my skin?
You should ideally introduce bioflavonoids, also known as Vitamin P, into your regimen. Rutin is a great source of bioflavonoids which work to strengthen all soft tissues in the body such as capillaries, arteries, veins, as well as skin prone to bruising. Take one tablet twice a day of Rutin and Vitamin C + Bioflavonoids which contains other bioflavonoids together with vitamin C to further support skin health.
My grandchildren, aged 11-15, are all suffering very badly from Hay Fever. The usual suspects are puffy eyes, stuffy or runny nose, difficulty breathing, coughs and feeling totally run down. The 15-year-old will soon start on his GCSEs. Most antihistamines proved useless. Can you please suggest a strategy that will make their lives easier for the next few months?
Aller-DMG is suitable for children over 12 years so this supplement is the most comprehensive one to inhibit histamine production, calm inflammation in the respiratory tract and has proven to be beneficial. If the 11-year-old is of a healthy weight, or big boned, then I see no problem using this supplement too. My second recommendation sounds a bit messy, but using Haymax in the nostrils reduces the amount of pollen lodging onto the nasal membranes and so mitigates the allergy to some extent.
My partner has gastrological issues where his body seems unable to break down fats. Although he's seen a number of consultants, who have put him on Creon and Esomeprazole, we haven't found a solution that works. Is there anything you can recommend please?
Creon is normally used for people who cannot manufacture digestive enzymes in particular lipase for digesting fats. I guess that the proton pump inhibitor is not ideal because on one hand it is trying to stop acid production, but stopping acid means that your digestion does not begin. I believe that your partner should use a digestive enzyme supplement which contains all the enzymes to break down proteins (improper breakdown of proteins is often responsible for reflux) and also contains lipase for fats.
Please could you recommend a product for my mother who appears to have a rather nasty bout of gout. She is 76-years-old and is on high blood pressure medication, she is also pre-diabetic.
Gout is a form of arthritis where uric acid deposits around the joints tissues, particularly on the feet causing pain and discomfort. The supplement Uric Acid Control will help to reduce levels of uric acid and so alleviate pain and the destruction that this acid causes to our joint tissues. It can be used on an ongoing basis to also help reduce recurrences. Uric Acid Control is deemed to be safe for those taking blood pressure medications and for pre-diabetics. As always take any supplement, including Uric Acid Control, a couple of hours away from any medication just to be prudent.
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