I’m really struggling with a bloated stomach to the point that it regularly feels tender and sore to touch and I have put on about a stone in weight this past year. I’ve had blood tests and all is clear and I have underactive thyroid for which I take medication, but I’m struggling to fasten clothes around my middle due to the bloating. What would you advise?
As we age, especially with the decline in our sex hormones, two things generally occur. The first is that the production of digestive enzymes greatly diminishes and the second is midriff weight gain. The decline in digestive enzymes in women, aside from ageing, is also governed by oestrogen and this causes food not to be broken down sufficiently resulting in bloating.
DoSe Digestive Enzyme Complex provides the full spectrum of fat, protein, carbohydrate, and fibre digesting enzymes to break down food efficiently and so helps to treat and prevent bloating. A lack of digestive enzymes also causes toxin build-up in the gut resulting in abdominal pain and discomfort. DoSe Digestive Enzyme Complex can be taken on an ongoing basis, and actually should be, since breaking down food efficiently also means that the body receives a greater amount of vitamins and minerals.
Aside from incomplete breakdown of food, midriff weight gain is invariably associated with lower female hormones and/or stress. By stress I mean physical stress, emotive stress and hormonal stress. This causes the release of cortisol and stress hormones that trigger greater insulin release. Insulin is the fat depositing hormone of the body and since large numbers of fat cells are located in the midriff region, weight gains occur there and everywhere else on the body too.
I suggest that you take Magnolia Phellodendron Complex which is a supplement aimed at alleviating stress symptoms but has also been the subject of studies for those gaining weight since by reducing cortisol, it reduces the production of the fat depositing hormone insulin. This will prevent further weight gain unless you do not follow a calorie controlled diet.
I keep getting blood bleeds/bruising beneath the skin on my hands and arms from the slightest graze, knock or scratch. They do not hurt but look unsightly and take a while to heal. Can you recommend a remedy please?
Thinning and fragile skin that bruises is often, but not always, associated with ageing skin as we get older. You should take Lamberts Rutin and Vitamin C + Bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids, also known as Vitamin P, work to strengthen capillaries and soft tissues and are invaluable for people who bruise easily. This is for the long-term so you will need to take this on an ongoing basis and this supplement is perfectly safe as it also helps to enhance circulation.
I recently had a biopsy in the active recession area on my scalp after seeing a dermatologist for the last year with concerns about my receding hair line. I had raised the issue with my GP for the year before who had put it down to changes as we age etc as I’m 47 now. The biopsy came back and it appears there is inflammation on the hair follicles which led to the diagnosis of FFA. The dermatologist has a suggested treatment plan, but I am waiting to hear when I will start the treatment plan. Could you recommend anything I can do in the meantime to reduce the inflammation, support my scalp/system?
Whether is FFA or whether its hormonal hair loss, underlying inflammation is certainly present on the scalp that disturbs the production of keratin and also sends some of the scalp follicles into their resting phase resulting in hair loss. I would recommend the use of Fulvic Acid both in supplement and topical form. Fulvic Acid is a unique compound that holds 65+ minerals and trace elements that have been shown to confer a variety of benefits including enhanced digestion, better detoxification, and to help nourish the scalp which helps many, many women with stopping hair loss.
It is available as a liquid which is quick acting, and as a mist to apply onto the scalp overnight to calm down inflammation and to nourish scalp follicles at the site of application. Try to ensure that you do not stimulate the immune system with herbs such as echinacea for obvious reasons and please avoid styling your hair in a way that strains the hairline.
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I have MS and experience pain in my feet at night which wakes me up. It is very unpleasant and I'm wondering what to do to help stop it. I wear the silver socks you sell as my feet get very cold and turn blue.
There are a number of reasons why MS and cold feet are closely linked and these include an overreaction of the blood vessels with the hypothalamus being affected. Whatever the cause, I suggest taking DoSe Diosmin Plus, a supplement that contains a blend of circulatory herbs to move blood throughout the body as well as a bioflavonoid called Diosmin 95 that works to gradually restore elasticity to the valves which is yet another cause of this. Please continue to wear the silver socks.
My two-year-old granddaughter has been suffering lately with nasty coughs and has twice had to go to hospital for monitoring. They did blood tests and it shows her iron levels are low and prescribed iron for her. My son is reluctant to give it to her as it can cause constipation. Is there anything you can suggest she takes to help?
Synthetic iron supplements often cause constipation and gastric distress because they are known to eradicate the friendly bacteria in the intestines that help the motility of the gut. Please give her Nature's Aid Iron Mini Drops which contain iron bonded to an amino acid compound, iron bisglycinate, which is the gentlest and non-constipating form of iron.
When eating a meal I always get hiccups and then I have great difficulty in swallowing food as it seems to stick in the oesophagus. Can you recommend anything?
Swallowing is a very complex process with anatomical and physiological problems with the larynx, oesophagus, pharynx and the mouth implicated. There are no supplements that I know of that may work for this concern and I think that postural adjustments, exercises for tongue, lips and jaw, diet modifications, and swallowing manoeuvres (types of exercise) may help, but this should be recommended by your GP. Certainly there are medications that may be prescribed to relax the muscles of the oesophagus that may work.
What remains clear is that people with this concern are often dehydrated and have deficiencies in nutrients so it might be an idea to consider taking an electrolyte drink and perhaps a multivitamin liquid. The magnesium in the electrolyte drink might relax the oesophagus and may help with hiccups since these are due to the spasmodic contractions of the diaphragm.
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I was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy a couple of years ago and I'm now noticing it's getting worse as my feet feel cold but not when I touch them. I’m taking B12, B6 and magnesium, please can I ask for your advice to help my situation.
Peripheral neuropathy refers to damage to the nerves and what occurs here is that the sheath surrounding the nerves is damaged whether due to infection, age, or genetics, and this can result in the symptoms you have described. I would definitely recommend that you take Lion's Mane Mushroom extracts by way of a supplement. Research has shown its ability to enhance nerve growth factors (NGFs) which are tiny proteins involved in the repair of the sheath surrounding the nerves and also in enhancing new nerves. These two benefits obviously would be of value for the long term maintenance of peripheral neuropathy as this shows promise. Lion's Mane Mushroom is not known to have any major side effects.
Please continue taking the B vitamins with magnesium however ensure that you take Methylcobalamin as a B12 lozenge since most people over the age of 50 do not have a specific protein that transports regular B12 tablets into the bloodstream. Life Extension B12 Elite provides this form in a lozenge that transports B12 from the mouth into the bloodstream directly.
You have previously recommended Horseradish and Garlic Complex for sinuses, will this also be good for my middle ear which gets blocked with fluid and causes hearing loss at times?
Horseradish and Garlic may help to prevent sinus infections and sinus congestion but will not be of value for middle ear blockage. For this please consider taking Plantago Tincture which contains compounds that soothe the linings of the middle and inner ear canal to help prevent mucus production. This herb also contains compounds that break down mucus which is why it is often recommended for glue ear. Plantago Tincture is safe for long term use.
I suffer from recurring UTIs and I’m trying to start a regime to try and prevent them. I’ve read recommendations about taking a probiotic and I already take D-Mannose and was also wondering whether I should take cranberry as well.
Whilst D-Mannose works to dislodge the bacteria from the urinary tract and hence may benefit in reducing recurrences, cranberries contain hippuric acid which is a powerful antimicrobial so the combination works well. Please add Nature's Plus Ultra Cranberry 1000 which is a sustained release supplement which provides cranberry extract over a few hours.
As far as a probiotic supplement is concerned, I would suggest taking Healthaid FemProbio which is a very high strength supplement with some specific strains known to be of benefit.
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I read about Sage Complex in the Weekend Read and wanted to ask if this could be something to help me. I am 48 years and in perimenopause (still have regular periods) but I have noticed a big shift in energy and muscular strength (a well as changes in skin and hair). My main concern is the energy and feeling tired with no strength which I am attributing to hormonal changes. Would this supplement help? I have no medical concerns. I do not have night sweats or hot flushes which seems to be a common symptom of perimenopause.
The decline in female hormones starts roughly from the age of 35 but most women notice some changes in their mid to late 40s. All the changes are the classic symptoms of perimenopause and Sage Complex contains a blend of herbs with plant oestrogens as well as herbs such as Siberian Ginseng to enhance energy albeit this is a gradual process. For rapid release of energy, you can take Sibergin which contains a potent strength of this Siberian Ginseng to kick start the adrenals to produce their energising hormones.
Please can you recommend a product for my eyes which always look dull and bloodshot, with red veins in the sclera. I would love healthy sparkling eyes.
There are many factors that are responsible for red eyes and prominent red veins in the sclera. I suggest that you use eye drops containing Eyebright, such as Vogel's Eye Drops, since this herb is known to enhance circulation and reduce inflammation in the eye area which is why it is often recommended for tired eyes, eye strain, bloodshot eyes, and other associated eye concerns. There is another version of the above eye drops with hyaluronic acid for those suffering from dry eyes.
My mother was prescribed a low dose of statins because her cholesterol was borderline too high, but the statins were making her feel very unwell and even depressed, so she has decided to come off of them. Is there anything you can recommend that she can take?
For the majority of people with high cholesterol, diet has nothing to do with it as it is genetics and the ageing of the liver which are the causes since the liver either manufactures more cholesterol or does not destroy cholesterol as it passes through. Cholestsafe contains red yeast rice and policosanol both of which have been the subject of numerous studies indicating reductions of 30% and more between 8 and 12 weeks. Red yeast rice does contain a small amount of lovastatin but it contains numerous other compounds which work in synergy to reduce elevated cholesterol and this supplement is tolerated by those sensitive to statins.
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I take medication that causes bloating and constipation, can you recommend anything please?
The most common reason for bloating and constipation is the lack of digestive enzymes that help to break down food preventing its stagnation in the gut which leads to the symptoms you are experiencing. I would suggest that you take Digestive Enzyme Complex which provides protein, carbohydrate, fat, and fibre digesting enzymes to break down food efficiently which allows more vitamins to be absorbed by the body, and should help prevent bloating and constipation.
I have been in hospital with a very sore right lower abdomen pain and just feeling unwell. My CRP results were very high, nearly 100, and I have been diagnosed with diverticulitis. I have seven days of antibiotics to take, but I would be grateful if you could advise which products would help support me going forward.
CRP is a good marker of inflammation in the body including the gut. A marker of 100 mg suggests non-complicate acute diverticulitis and I would suggest that you start taking a quality probiotic supplement such as Mega Probio for two weeks at a dose of two capsules twice a day preferably with a some food to replenish the good bacteria that are lost due to antibiotic usage. After this course, you can start taking Symprove Daily Essential probiotics which have been the subject of studies carried out with those who suffer from diverticulitis and have been found to be effective at keeping symptoms at bay.
I would go further and recommend a specific supplement called Turmeric Curcumin C3 Complex at a dose of one capsule daily. This supplement contains three of the most potent compounds found in turmeric that display potent anti-inflammatory properties which is why they are often recommended in inflammatory bowel disorders helping to reduce inflammatory markers in the gut and the whole body.
I am looking for a magnesium supplement for my husband. He has had tennis elbow for 6 months and the physio said he should take magnesium but I’m not sure which one, so please can you recommend a suitable form.
Magnesium will certainly help to relax the nerves and muscles in the region and to this end I would like your husband to take a specific magnesium supplement such as Neuro-Mag. This magnesium supplement contains Magnesium L-threonate which is the form of magnesium that has been shown to enter the nervous system and also does not cause stomach pain.
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My husband, who is nearing 60, and his group of friends of the same age were bemoaning their loss of ‘fight’ and get-up-and-go mentality. Is there is a single tablet which would cover all bases as their generation really don’t like faffing around with lots of different pots of things. I should also mention that there is high blood pressure to take into account and one of them has Crohn’s.
As men get older, cortisol levels increase, testosterone levels decline which means less energy and drive, cognitive decline may occur at varying degree, and of course the loss of muscle mass. I would personally recommend three supplements which will be suitable for everyone concerned, the first supplement being Daily Energy. This supplement contains a blend of adaptogens that lower stress hormone levels, enhance energising hormone production by the adrenals, increase testosterone levels to boost both physical and mental energy as well as offer some protection against the loss of muscle mass and strength of ligaments and tendons which may lead to sarcopenia. Daily Energy is not suitable for people with uncontrolled high blood pressure.
Because sarcopenia is a gradual process, it might be prudent to take Creatine Monohydrate Powder, one teaspoon daily on an ongoing basis or start with a loading dose as per instructions on the tub. Creatine is normally used to improve physical performance but it is composed of three amino acids that help build muscle and soft tissues. I believe that maintaining tendon, ligament and muscle strength is vital to prevent frailty in later life
I would also recommend Fulvic Elixir. Fulvic acid is a unique compound which cannot be made synthetically and this remarkable compound holds 65+ minerals and trace elements that play a role in virtually every single process in the body including digestion, detoxification, immunity, removal of heavy metals, as well as providing potent antioxidant protection. A tablespoon daily at any meal time also enhances nutrient availability from food
I have torn the anterior cruciate ligament in my knee and badly bruised my bones in that area. Surgery has not been recommended, so it will be a slow haul back to normality with some painful physio. I wondered if there is anything I can take to promote and support the healing process.
In order to speed up the healing processes, and assuming you are not on a dairy-free diet, then I would recommend two different supplements to heal both soft tissue damage such as ligaments and bone health too. Firstly, I would recommend taking DoSe Liposomal Vitamin C, just one teaspoon daily. This is the most bioavailable form of vitamin C which delivers vitamin C to the cells of the body. Vitamin C promotes soft tissue repair, minimises inflammation, and encourages quicker repair of damaged soft tissues.
I would also recommend taking a protein supplement to encourage bone repair and again for soft tissue repair of ligaments and tendons. About half of your bone structure is made up of protein and your body needs it to build new bone for repair. Protein is of course part of all soft tissues including ligaments and tendons. Protein also helps your body to take in and use calcium from your diet which is another key ingredient for healthy bones. Whey protein contains the right profile of amino acids utilised by the body effectively
Blood tests show that I am anaemic which my GP puts down to my recent major surgery, my blood results are generally a bit low and the prescribed iron tablets give me constipation. Can you recommend an easily absorbed effective supplement that doesn’t cause this problem please?
Synthetic iron supplements are known to cause gastric distress, including constipation, so I would suggest that you take Terranova Easy Iron Complex. This supplement contains iron bisglycinate which is a bioavailable form of iron that is gentle on the stomach and the GI tract and is not known to cause constipation. Included in the formulation of this supplement is Rosehip powder to provide vitamin C which enhances absorption of iron in a base of Green Barley Grass which contains iron and folic acid required for haemoglobin, the oxygen carrier in red blood cells
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My adult son has had lichen planus for several years. It usually flares up on his arms and legs but it has now appeared on his forehead and is moving down his face. He has been using cortisone cream but can you recommend any other creams or supplements that might help?
Lichen Planus is an inflammatory skin condition which can affect arms and legs but it can also affect the mouth and other areas. Being an inflammatory response, one of the first supplements I believe will be of benefit is Turmeric Curcumin C3 Complex. This supplement contains three of the most researched compounds found in turmeric root that display powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, turmeric supplements display blood cleansing properties which may also prove to be useful.
Topically, Thyme Out spray may also help as it calms inflamed skin and it is frequently used for skin rashes, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, cold sores and other skin complaints
I have poor balance and have fallen downstairs twice in the last 18 months and wobble all over the place when I walk. I have read that vitamin B12 is good for this type of condition but have no idea which one is most effective. Can you help please?
Before considering supplements, it is important to consult your GP to rule out any underlying medical conditions that may be causing balance issues. Vitamin B12 is certainly involved in the health of the nervous system as well as being necessary for red blood cell formation which oxygenates the tissues in the body. As we age, we lose a protein that transports this important vitamin from the intestine into the bloodstream and so oral tablets and capsules cannot deliver enough Vitamin B12. Life Extension B12 Elite provides two forms of vitamin B12 in a lozenge that by-passes the gut delivery Vitamin B12 directly from the mouth into the bloodstream. Additionally, Gingko Biloba is a herb that enhances circulation in the brain which is why it is commonly recommended for problems with balance.
Whilst there is some variation, my Liver Function Test levels are consistently too high and my doctor now suspects I may have a liver autoimmune issue. I understand the liver is adept at repair, so is there anything you could suggest that may support my liver or generally with an autoimmune concern?
The liver is certainly one of the glands that is self-healing, but unfortunately faces a barrage of chemicals and pollutants from the environment that hinder its healing processes. Another factor, aside from any autoimmune reason, is that every time we eat food, we produce toxins from metabolism which the liver has to cope with too.
I would recommend that you take DoSe Milk Thistle Complex which contains some of the most researched herbal extracts known to help support liver health, including Milk Thistle, Dandelion, Artichoke, and Curcumin. Choline in the supplement helps with fat metabolism since the liver has to process fats and fats can accumulate in it, resulting in poor function, whilst NAC removes heavy metals from the environment and from some of the foods we eat.
There are many small studies which seem to indicate that N, N-Dimethylglycine, DMG, helps to modulate and positively improve the immune system and its function. It is beneficial for virtually every health concern and seems to reduce inflammatory markers which obviously damage our body and its glands. I would suggest a dose of 1 ml daily for long-term use since higher doses are used by people with acute concerns.
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I wondered if you could provide any advice for a health condition. My hands start going numb when driving a car and lately at night before I go to sleep. This is slowly getting worse. I have Hashimoto’s disease, but take Thyroxine for this and I have no other symptoms.
Cold hands and feet and poor circulation are all linked to hypothyroid conditions such as Hashimoto's which is an autoimmune disorder. Whilst one would hope that Thyroxine might help to prevent circulatory concerns, this is not always the case and I would consider taking Diosmin Plus on a daily basis. This supplement contains a blend of herbal extracts that work to enhance circulation in the entire body and also contains a flavonoid that is known to help with trying to restore healthy valve function with long term use. It is the valves inside the veins that lose their elasticity that often leads to pooling of blood and the sensations you are experiencing. Please take Diosmin Plus three or more hours away from Thyroxine, which I presume is taken first thing in the morning.
My husband had a total knee replacement in January. Despite physio and regular exercises, he developed lots of scar tissue around the joint. He had manipulation under anaesthetic and a further operation to remove the tissue as it keeps coming back. His surgeon expects it to return and he may need a complete revision of the TKR. Is there anything you could recommend that might discourage scar tissue from building up?
Scar tissue formation is nearly always associated with inflammation often because of trauma in the area. The most powerful soft tissue inflammation curbing herb is turmeric with three of its most active compounds all found in Turmeric Curcumin C3 Complex. By keeping inflammation at lower levels in the body, hopefully the build-up of scar tissue is mitigated.
I would also recommend taking Liposomal Vitamin C, just one teaspoon daily. This is the most bioavailable form of vitamin C which delivers vitamin C to the cells of the body. Vitamin C promotes tissue repair, minimises inflammation, and encourages quicker repair of damaged skin tissues and should be of value in mitigating scar tissue formation.
I have had a lot of work done on my gums, including surgery, however I sometimes get what I believe are 'tonsil stones' they are tiny yellow lumps, but they leave a bad taste in the mouth and I am conscious these cause bad breath, so I am concerned. Is there anything you can recommend?
A tonsillar stone is basically a combination of calcium with debris and yes mouth odour is a common concern, and I do appreciate that they are not always the easiest thing to remove, so we need to understand why they are formed and if we can prevent this to any extent or simply consider symptomatic treatment. The simple fact is we do not fully understand why these are formed but some people may simply have more bacteria in the mouth that get caught up in the crevices, others may have larger crevices, and others simply not chewing correctly so larger particles get caught up in these crevices.
I think that you should consider gargling with Clinisept mouthwash, which at the very least will eradicate these bacteria at the point of contact, it’s a hypochlorous solution but safe to use daily. Whilst it smells like swimming pool water, gargling results in a solution like water with the hypochlorous adhering to the tissues and killing the odour causing bacteria.
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I have to go on a high fibre diet. Could you recommend products that will help me to get to higher fibre levels?
Fibre is important for the body to function and the recommendation is to consume 30 grams of fibre per day from sources that provide both soluble and insoluble fibres. The fibre supplement that I would recommend is Complete Fibre Cleanse. This supplement provides both soluble and insoluble fibres. Both are absolutely important to the body; soluble fibre may help to maintain healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels whilst insoluble fibres attract water into the stool making it easier to pass whilst cleansing the gut of plaque and harmful micro-organisms. Take one teaspoon twice a day to provide the body with approximately 8 grams of fibre.
What could cause hair loss in a 14-year-old girl?
There are several factors involved in hair loss in young women which include hormonal changes, nutrient deficiencies, genetics, and in some cases underlying medical conditions such as thyroid disorders. Ideally, we should initially try and nourish the follicles with ionic minerals to calm down underlying inflammation that leads to disturbed signals for hair growth and sends parts of the scalp into their resting phase. The supplement providing these ionic minerals is Ionicell for Women and I suggest a dose of one capsule daily.
Topically Fulvic Shampoo and Mist are both hero products working to calm down inflammation in the scalp whilst nourishing the follicles directly without leaving residues and the recommendation here is to leave the shampoo on the scalp for a couple of minutes before rinsing.
I was advised not to take Ibuprofen due to inactive diverticulitis, however it is the only thing that really works on severe pain, what can I take instead?
The herb Boswelia serata has been the subject of a few studies showing that its anti-inflammatory benefits are on par with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, without the side effects of gastric disturbance.
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Can you recommend anything which might help with bursitis?
As I am sure you are aware, bursitis is the inflammation of the fluid-filled sacs that cushion our bones, tendons, and muscles. I would recommend that you take Turmeric Curcumin C3 Complex which provides a patented extract derived from turmeric root that contains three of the most potent natural anti-inflammatories to help reduce the inflammation in these bursa.
Topically, Atrogel Arnica Gel contains therapeutic concentrations of arnica (not homeopathic concentrations) and this applied locally displays anti-inflammatory properties and has been found to be just as effective as some over-the-counter anti-inflammatory gels.
My 12-year-old granddaughter has just come through a bout of pneumonia. How can we protect her lungs going forward as she has been having coughs on and off for nearly a year or more.
Firstly we need to protect the lungs using a salt pipe inhaler. Halotherapy, as in using a salt pipe inhaler, helps to calm inflammation in the respiratory tract as well as detoxifying the pulmonary and respiratory system. It is popular because salt is detoxifying (not table salt). I am a great advocate of halotherapy which is the breathing of salty air. It is considered an effective therapy for people with breathing difficulties because ultra-fine particles of salt tend to also heal inflamed linings in the whole of the respiratory tract and each salt pipe inhaler lasts approximately five years with regular use.
I think that you should also consider a supplement to help support her immune system with Sambucol Immuno Forte which contains the multiple benefits of elderberries, zinc and vitamin C. This is soothing and safe to be taken on an ongoing basis and certainly until Spring.
I have an exam and I’m struggling to retain information and focus. I am currently on antidepressants so is there anything you could recommend?
I would suggest that you take Limitless Plus. This supplement contains two patented extracts created for immediate, medium, and long term memory. It contains extracts from the tomato plant and spearmint plant and is safe to take with antidepressants or other medications. May I also suggest that you consider taking Lamberts L-Glutamine, take three capsules daily preferably half hour before food or one and half hours after food. Glutamine is important in memory and learning and is converted into glutamic acid which is the fuel source of the brain.