Weekend Read 6 April 2024
April. A new month, a new energy and as we come together once again, I will continue to thank the many of you who have been so supportive as we continue to tell our story, a story which defines the very real need to do some straight talking regarding concepts, ingredients and products. So, having launched DoSe Liposomal Glutathione last weekend, a few words to say on that subject.
We have launched many new products with the DoSe branding over the past few weeks, but without exception each of those products have been formulated with a strict adherence to extensive research, together with the clinicals and studies which serve to support that research. DoSe Liposomal Glutathione launched with evidenced proof of efficacy, which is of course a crucial and fundamental requirement of its very being. I can see no point whatsoever in formulating and recommending products which fail to conform to exacting standards, and the bar is set extraordinarily high. As it should be.
So, just to reiterate my words of last week, Glutathione is known as ‘the master antioxidant’ and DoSe Liposomal Glutathione contains Setria® Glutathione, the clinically studied form of Glutathione, which is the pure and safe form of Glutathione, having an assay value of between 98% and 100%. And with that said, I rest my case on Glutathione supplementation. For now.
VH Editorial: Liposomal Glutathione – Benefits & Side Effects; DoSe Liposomal Glutathione £49 for 150 ml
In continuation, the bar was certainly set very high when Shabir formulated Magnesium Complex, which in the fullness of time will of course carry the DoSe branding. Magnesium is an outstanding mineral, it is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and this key mineral is required for the production of the energy molecule, ATP, in every single cell of our bodies. It is thought that over 70% of the adult population are Magnesium deficient, which becomes an important statistic because low levels of energy hinder the repair processes of the body.
As a key mineral, Magnesium is involved in over three-hundred biochemical reactions in our bodies and because I have been throwing the focus on skin health over the past few weeks, a Magnesium deficiency makes our cells more susceptible to free radical damage. But of course that is only part of the equation because Magnesium deficiencies are also linked to sleep deprivation, hormonal imbalances and stress headaches, which Shabir talks about in his article linked below, as I talk about Magnesium Complex.
Magnesium supplementation can often be confusing, primarily because there are many different forms of Magnesium available, each with their own attributes for purpose. Magnesium Complex was formulated using eight different forms of Magnesium, providing the correct therapeutic strength of each form of Magnesium, supporting and maximising each primary benefit. Conforming to exacting standards once again, Magnesium Complex drops in price from £22 to £19, across the weekend.
VH Editorial: Magnesium Supplements: Benefits, Deficiencies & Side Effects; Magnesium Complex £19 for 60 Capsules (offer ends at midnight BST, Sunday 7 April)
I think the theme of this Weekend Read is apparent, so I will continue by talking about Ionicell, which is of course an outstanding formulation for hair, skin and nails. Ionicell became a bestselling supplement because it works and because it has been clinically proven to help generate collagen and re-hydrate the cells of our body, which is attributable to Ioniplex®, a Fulvic ionic mineral containing up to 65 essential, macro and trace minerals.
Over and above all else, it truly does make a remarkable difference to the health of our skin and hair, but perhaps its claim to fame, as it were, is because of its ability to strengthen, protect and nourish our nails, given time. I honestly believe that Ionicell is one of those transformational supplements, but then I have been writing about Fulvic being transformational for rather a long time. So, with the White Paper on Ioniplex® linked below supporting its efficacy, I believe that we must always recognise and celebrate cutting-edge and pioneering supplementation, so as such I am dropping the price of Ionicell from £22 to £19, also across the weekend.
Ioniplex®: White Paper; Ionicell For Women £19 for 60 Capsules (offer ends at midnight BST, Sunday 7 April)
Let’s stay with Fulvic because I would like to talk about Fulvic Mist, which can be used as a stand-alone product, or as an adjunct to Ionicell. Fulvic Mist was initially formulated to address scalp health, being a topical solution for hair loss and thinning hair, but Fulvic Mist has many other benefits which are primarily based upon the wound healing properties of Fulvic. So, let’s take a look at some of those benefits, but before we do that it is important to acknowledge that Fulvic Mist is not an overnight fix for hair loss and thinning hair and it can take several months for it to kick in.
The obvious thing here is that you can spray Fulvic Mist onto your nails, even if you are using Fulvic Nail Cream, but I have often written about spraying Fulvic Mist onto skin, wounded or otherwise. Fulvic Mist can be sprayed onto your skin after cleansing and before any other skincare regimen, but the other side of the equation is that if you have a wound, it will also help heal that wound. And because of its versatility, Fulvic Mist can also be used as a body spritz, either as a stand-alone or before Fulvic Body Lotion. Nothing to add, except to say that if you buy Fulvic Mist (120 ml), we will automatically include Fulvic Mist (60 ml), which is worth £12.50. One for the road.
Fulvic Mist (120 ml) + Fulvic Mist (60 ml) £25 (whilst stock lasts); Fulvic Nail Cream £14 for 30 ml; Fulvic Body Lotion £20 for 200 ml
I often write about Diosmin Plus in its capacity as a natural remedy for varicose veins, spider veins, poor circulation and haemorrhoids, but it is the latter health concern where I want to throw the focus today, essentially because haemorrhoids are extraordinarily common and can be extremely uncomfortable. Haemorrhoids are badly swollen, inflamed veins located around the anus and along the very lowest part of the colon in the rectum, and the external swollen veins are commonly referred to as piles or external haemorrhoids.
It is estimated that nearly 75% of all adults in the Western world will suffer from haemorrhoids at some point and the causal factors are predominantly diet and ageing, the former addressing a lack of fibre in our diets. In his article, linked below, Shabir discusses this lack of fibre, referencing the recommendations of The Department of Health, together with ongoing research, which indicates that most of us need more fibre in our diets. Complete Fibre Cleanse helps increase fibre intake, but it also helps to soothe the inflamed linings of the gastrointestinal tract and stabilises blood sugar levels. And that’s the first part of the equation.
The second part of the equation is that as we age, our circulatory systems age with us, which means that our hearts have to beat with greater force to move blood around our bodies. Our veins, due to the same ageing process, get narrower, are more fragile and the valves within these veins begin to lose their elasticity. All these factors lead to impeded blood flow, enlarged veins, such as varicose veins, and makes us more prone to the haemorrhaging of haemorrhoids.
Diosmin Plus contains a potent blend of botanicals which work to support the circulatory system, helping to enhance healthy blood flow in arteries, veins and capillaries. Helping to protect collagen and elastin to ensure healthy valve function, Diosmin Plus also works hard to help diminish inflammation, the primary cause of capillary fragility. As a topical, Organic Horse Chestnut Balm can help to soothe and alleviate the discomfort of external haemorrhoids because Horse Chestnut, as an ingredient, is an anti-inflammatory which helps to enhance circulation and reduce the swelling associated with haemorrhoids.
And having recommended three products to help support recurrent haemorrhoids, Complete Fibre Cleanse drops in price from £25 to £22, Diosmin Plus drops from £28 to £25 and Organic Horse Chestnut Balm drops from £19.40 to £16. I am going to caveat this entire section by saying that if you are experiencing spotting or bleeding, it is essential to seek advice from a medical professional. Additionally, if you are on blood thinning medication, please do not take Diosmin Plus as it will contra-indicate.
VH Editorial: Preventing & Treating Haemorrhoids; Complete Fibre Cleanse £22 for 168 grams; Diosmin Plus £25 for 60 Capsules; Organic Horse Chestnut Balm by Viridian £16 for 60 ml (offers end at midnight BST, Sunday 7 April)
From one common health concern to another, and now we are going to talk about Post-Nasal Drip. Post-Nasal Drip is associated with the excessive production of mucus by the nasal mucosa, which can then accumulate at the back of the throat, or in the nasal cavity, causing difficulties in breathing and other associated concerns and there is not much else to say on the subject other than Shabir created the Post-Nasal Drip regimen many years ago, actually make that about twenty years ago. Staying consistent.
VH Editorial: Post-Nasal Drip Regimen; Marshmallow Capsules by Power Health £4.99 for 30 Capsules; Plantago Tincture by A. Vogel £11.99 for 50 ml; Bronchoforce (Ivy Complex Drops) by A. Vogel £11.99 for 50 ml
Staying on the subject of breathing, a word here about The Cisca Salt Pipe, which helps support respiratory disorders. Studies have indicated that allergic and respiratory diseases are an increasing problem and some studies indicate that more than 75% of the UK population suffer from asthma, allergies, bronchitis and other respiratory concerns. The Cisca Saltpipe is a patented device, it features a CE medical registration and it will last up to five years, based on daily usage. And with the hay fever season upon us, The Cisca Saltpipe is mentioned in Shabir’s article, linked below, and I will mention Ross J. Barr’s Breathe Patches, because they deserve to be mentioned.
VH Editorial: Hay Fever Relief For The Family; The Cisca Saltpipe £32; Breathe Patches by Ross J. Barr £15 for Five Patches
Right, let’s talk about Symprove, which is the multi-strain non-dairy drink containing four species of naturally occurring bacteria to maintain digestive health and replenish friendly bacteria in the gut. I know that many of you take Symprove, so an offer to tell you about, it is an ongoing offer and it looks like this. It is a three for two offer on the RRP of £79.99, which translated means that a twelve-week programme of Symprove, worth £239.97, now becomes £159.98. A note here to say that somehow our delivery got lost, so it is on a pre-order status, but I am being told it will arrive early next week, at which point all orders will be despatched. And, with a sigh, that’s that.
Symprove Products
And another offer, so let me tell you about the April offer from TEMPLESPA, and with four serums in their skincare range, we are offering a 15% discount on each of those serums until the end of the month. Those serums are listed below, with the price adjustments and just to also say that I love that so many of you loved the Himalayan Salts Massage Stone, which I wrote about last weekend. Things like this make me happy.
Be Firm by TEMPLESPA; Be Strong by TEMPLESPA; Let’s Concentrate by TEMPLESPA; Trufflelixir by TEMPLESPA; Himalayan Salts Massage Stone by TEMPLESPA £5
Daffoldils also make me happy and Sea Daffodils are an ingredient in Aurelia’s Aromatic Repair & Brighten Hand Cream, which has been specifically formulated to help diminish the signs of pigmentation. It is also deeply hydrating given the addition of Cassia Sienna, a skin conditioning ingredient which has the ability to mimic Hyaluronic Acid. I am listing the full product details below, and I am not sure whether this limited edition offer will last the day, but I am dropping the price of Aurelia’s Aromatic Repair & Brighten Hand Cream from £29 to £18. And just to say that if it fails to go into your basket, that will mean the offer is over.
Aromatic Repair & Brighten Hand Cream by Aurelia London £18 for 75 ml (whilst stock lasts)
Two new products from Neom Organics, actually it’s one new fragrance, but two differently sized candles. The fragrance is called ‘Feel Good Vibes’ which is blended with natural essential oils, including Mandarin, Ylang Ylang and Jasmine, renowned for their uplifting properties. I am being told that this is a Limited Edition candle, but I don’t really know how limited it actually is, so whilst they are here, I am dropping the price of the Three Wick Candle from £55 to £50 and the Travel Candle drops from £20 to £17.
Feel Good Vibes Scented Candle by Neom Organics £50 for 420 grams; Feel Good Vibes Scented Candle (Travel) £17 for 75 grams
Somehow, I have managed to get to the end of this Weekend Read without mentioning Ergothioneine Serum, or any of the DoSe serums actually. Anyway, I was having a conversation with myself a few days ago after I read that Walmart were looking to enter the luxury skincare market. This is nothing whatsoever to do with Walmart, but what does luxury skincare actually mean. Does it mean that you have to spend upwards of £200, or more, on a serum for it to be classified as luxurious. Or can a £26 product also be called luxurious. Because Ergothioneine Serum is luxurious and so is Fulvic Face Cream, which is £30. To ponder.
DoSe Ergothioneine Serum £26 for 30 ml; Fulvic Face Cream £30 for 60 ml
And just perhaps I had better stop writing, but before I do that, let’s have one final fling and that fling is a rather wonderful fling, because with every Margaret Dabbs product purchased for £15 or above across this weekend, we will automatically include the Margaret Dabbs Crystal Nail File. This Crystal Nail File is rather iconic, as far as iconic products go, it has a value of £16 and it seems to last forever. I think I’ve had mine for over ten years. Actually, it could be longer. One gift per customer here in order to be equitable.
Margaret Dabbs Products
And into the Saturday only treat, so with every order placed for £35 and above, excluding p&p, we will automatically include a drum of Moringa Green Superleaf Powder (100 grams)* from Aduna. Moringa has been dubbed as one of the most nutritious plants on Earth and it was featured in a fascinating documentary about the success of Moringa in parts of Africa where Moringa leaves helped to overcome malnutrition, it was thus dubbed the Miracle Tree. For further information, the article and the product are linked below.
VH Editorial: Moringa Powder – Health Benefits And More; Moringa Green Superleaf Powder
April Come She Will. This Simon & Garfunkel song from The Concert in Central Park is already on the VH Playlist, but there are moments when it feels good to play these songs again, and this is one of those moments. So, as I leave you with this song, I hope you have a restful and gentle weekend.
April Come She Will by Simon & Garfunkel; The VH Playlist
With love
Gill x
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Prices and products advertised at times of sending and publishing are subject to change and availability.
*Free gifts will only be granted if the items purchased are physical products and your total basket value exceeds the required amount noted. Saturday only treats are subject to change should the specified gift run out prior to your purchase and are only included in orders placed between 7.45am (GMT) and Midnight (GMT) on the Saturday the Weekend Read is sent. VH Addicts membership is a digital product and therefore will be excluded from the basket value. Some gifts are blocked from international shipping due to local limitations imposed based on the country destination. If this is the case, we will replace the gift with one that is able to be shipped to your destination. One gift per customer, whilst stock lasts.