Weekend Read 3 December 2022
Hello, and I am dedicating this Weekend Read to the VH Awards, as I invite you to celebrate with me. I will be acknowledging the products, and the people, who have helped make such a difference to our lives this year and I do so without any outside influence whatsoever. I could so easily reach out and ask you to vote for a product, or a brand, but I choose not to do so for various reasons, the first is that I don’t want to intrude on your privacy, because I’ve only just got over putting reviews on our site, and the second thing is that I see little point because I am governed by statistics, which speak volumes and supersedes everything.
I created the VH Awards several years ago essentially because I wanted to have a bit of fun and I always write them tongue-in-cheek, but primarily because I fail to understand how an award can actually be an award if it is paid-for, and trust me the vast majority of awards are paid-for. What bothers me the most about this is that we, as consumers, are led to believe that these award-winning products are superior to all else, which is far removed from the truth. And because we all have a choice, I choose to remain independent and as such we have never accepted any form of advertising on our site, or received any monies to promote a brand, product or person.
So having clarified my position, let me also say that some of these awards are bequeathed upon our own products and brands, which always makes me slightly uncomfortable because of the self-congratulatory nature of such. Yet facts are facts, and it is in the honouring of these products by you that determines the outcome and recognition of each award, bar those which are personal awards from me. Throughout, and in recognition and reciprocation of your loyalty and support, I will be including some treats and gifts wherever I can, and it is my total pleasure to do so. Let’s go:
Bestselling Supplement
I don’t think anybody will be surprised that Hyaluronic Acid Capsules High Strength wins the bestselling supplement award, and it wins by quite a large margin this year. Of course Shabir upped the ante by strengthening the dosage in accordance with updated research and development, but notwithstanding that its efficacy is unquestionable and if ever we needed to affirm that, try living without it for a few weeks as I once did, which was far from cute because my entire body started to ache. I have written this often, but I still believe it is one of the most crucial supplements to help support the integrity of our skin and the cushioning of our joints.
I need to say here that under any other circumstance I would be dropping the price of HA, but I can’t. And I can’t because there is a serious famine going on and I’m not sure that our stock levels will hold up until the next delivery is scheduled to arrive. Of course, it was scheduled to arrive by now, but I’m really not sure that we will have enough stock to last over the next two or three weeks, so in the event of that happening we may need to send you two of the travel size jars instead. It equates to the same thing, thirty capsules, and if they sell out, I will have to declare an official temporary famine. Which was not on my agenda. Truthfully.
Hyaluronic Acid Capsules High Strength £35 for 30 Capsules
Bestselling Beauty Product
I’m slightly bending the rules here because although I’m thrilled that Vitamin C 23% + Ferulic is our bestselling beauty product, it has won this award for the past few years, so now that you know that I will go onto write about Alpha Arbutin 2% and Kojic Acid 1% Serum which came a close second to Vitamin C. Alpha Arbutin is a natural skin brightener and Kojic Acid helps to improve the appearance of age spots, in time. This water soluble serum is a natural alternative to hydroquinone-based products, which can often cause inflammation and inflammation is the root cause of ageing skin. That’s all I need to say, except the price of Alpha Arbutin drops from £13.50 to £10.
Vitamin C 23% + Ferulic Acid £10 for 30 ml; Alpha Arbutin 2% and Kojic Acid 1% Serum by Garden of Wisdom for VH £10 for 30 ml (whilst stock lasts)
Best New Supplement
No competition here, because Essential Youth L-Ergothioneine runs away with this award. Supporting healthy ageing, Ergothioneine is an amino acid that cannot be manufactured by the body and must be obtained from our diet. Although certain foods do contain this amino acid, it is generally accepted that this is an insufficient source for our needs. Most tissues in the body contain Ergothioneine and the highest concentration is found in cells prone to oxidative damage and inflammation, so amongst its many attributes, supplementing with Ergothioneine will help provide protection to the blood, bone marrow, eye lens, brain, liver and skin.
But what would an award-winning supplement be without an in-depth article from Shabir on the product, so linking that article below, and in celebration of a pioneering and cutting-edge supplement, I am dropping the price of Essential Youth L-Ergothioneine from £22 to £19 across the weekend, or whilst stock lasts. I’m quite confident of our stock levels here, but I will admit to having stashed a few bottles just in case. So yes, I do take L-Ergo alongside HA because I am very aware of the damage which can be caused by inflammation within our bodies and I am a huge advocate of prevention rather than cure, but of course we all are.
VH Editorial: Is Ergothioneine The Next Longevity Nutrient; Essential Youth L-Ergothioneine by Life Extension £19 for 30 Capsules (offer ends at midnight GMT, Sunday 4 December)
Best New Beauty Product
Although we have launched several new beauty products this year, Smooth Upper Lip Professional Perioral Anti-Ageing Treatment has come storming in right at the end of year and wins this award unequivocally. And perhaps it’s because we all have a thing about vertical lip lines and lipstick bleeding into those lines. At the time of launch, I had been using Smooth Upper Lip for six months and it was only last weekend that it occurred to me that I should be using it on my ‘eleven lines’ as well, medically known as glabellar lines. These vertical frown lines really don’t bother me that much, but if they softened a little, that would be good because I choose not to inject them away.
So with Smooth Upper Lip becoming a legend in its very short lifetime, a few more words here. Bearing in mind the high volume of sales, I think it would be very wrong to lower the price of Smooth Upper Lip today because many of you have only just started to use it and I don’t think that’s equitable. I also know that it may upset some of you and I totally understand that, so although we must always celebrate success and achievement, I need to do this in a different way and so I am linking Smooth Upper Lip below this, and below that I will acknowledge Dermelect Cosmeceuticals and all those who use their products. And many of you do.
Smooth Upper Lip Professional Perioral Anti-Ageing Treatment £45 for 15 ml by Dermelect Cosmeceuticals
Obviously with the exception of Smooth Upper Lip, I am offering you a 20% discount across all other products from Dermelect, which includes the rather fabulous Runway Ready Luxury Foot Treatment, Self-Esteem Professional Neck Lift and the highly acclaimed Self-Esteem Beauty Sleep Serum, which I believe is their bestselling product in America. I will also tell you that in line with so many brands, Dermelect will be increasing their prices in the New Year, and although this is out of my control, what is in my control is that with any Dermelect product bought, we will automatically include the 50 ml size of Runway Ready Luxury Foot Treatment, whilst stock lasts. Only one gift per customer on this.
Dermelect (offer ends at midnight GMT, Wednesday 7 December)
Best Pure Fragrance
Actually, I can’t stop laughing because it is very obvious that the winner of this award is Flooid, basically because it is the only pure fragrance we list on our site. But I do love Flooid, it is my signature fragrance and wherever I go, I am asked what I am wearing. I’ve actually stopped telling people what it is for the moment because we are about to hit an issue and that issue is that the founder of NGS, Andrew Glass, has decided to change the bottle. So, with stock being extraordinarily limited, I am reducing the price of Flooid from £92 to £75. If it fails to go into your basket, then it’s all over. And I’m sorry. But in further news, I am applying a 20% discount across the rest of the NGS products.
Flooid by Non Gender Specific £75 for 100 ml; Non Gender Specific (offer ends at midnight GMT, Wednesday 7 December)
Best Joint Supplement
I wanted to do this award because it allows me to recognise the ongoing efficacy of Superior Joints, which I know has helped so many of you. It is in fact our fastest growing supplement this year and Natural Eggshell Membrane, which is included in this formulation, has been clinically proven to help reduce pain and stiffness. It should also be noted that in a double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial, more than 50% of patients noticed an improvement within ten days, so although it might take longer, the complete formulation is, we believe, best-in-class and so I am dropping the price of Superior Joints down from £30 to £25. Formulated by, and taken by, Shabir.
VH Editorial: Read This If You Suffer From Painful Joints; Superior Joints £25 for 60 Capsules (offer ends at midnight GMT, Sunday 4 December or whilst stock lasts)
Best Beauty Tool
And the winner is The Sculptor by Temple Spa. Created to mimic a professional therapist’s massage techniques, this facial massage tool went flying out the door when we launched it earlier this year. And I know why, it is incredibly relaxing, it helps ease tension and it enhances lymphatic drainage. Shabir has written about it in his article linked below, but on from that let me just say that if you buy any product from Temple Spa, including The Sculptor of course, we will automatically send you a free gift. And that gift is Breath of Life, which is worth £12. This is a limited edition offer, but just to say that I adore Breath of Life and so does Shabir. Strange, but true.
VH Editorial: Does A Lack Of Beauty Sleep Affect Skin; The Sculptor by Temple Spa £30; Temple Spa Products (Free gift available whilst stock lasts; if it fails to go into your basket, then I’m sorry but the offer is over)
Best For Oral Hygiene
Once again, I am giving this award to Clinisept+ Mouthwash because it cleanses, deodorises and protects against the harmful bacteria that cause gum disease and tooth decay. It is alcohol-free and unlike traditional mouthwashes it does not contain Chlorhexidine or peroxide, each known to cause oral irritation. I believe it stands in a class of its own, so in recognition of its ongoing brilliance, I am dropping the price of Clinisept+ Mouthwash from £6.49 to £5 across the weekend, or whilst stock lasts.
Clinisept+ Mouthwash £5 for 400 ml (whilst stock lasts)
Right, let’s take a moment because I have an announcement to make and this announcement is outside of the awards. Earlier this year we released the ‘Colette Facial’ from LixirSkin where Dr Colette Haydon created her go-to skincare regimen to share with us. And it’s back, but once again this is a Limited Edition, so once they are gone, they are gone. All wrapped up in LixirSkin organza bag, the products included are 3 x Ionic Shot Sachet, Electrogel Cleanser (30 ml), 3 x Peel Express Sachet and Vitamin C Paste (30 ml). Further details on the product page and you can either use it as a mini pre-party set, or as an introduction to the LixirSkin products. Either way is good.
The Colette Facial by LixirSkin £29 (whilst stock lasts)
Best Health Brand
I really do have to give this award to Viridian Nutrition once again for being so consistent in their research and development. But mostly Viridian receives this award for their innovative products, which have helped so many of you. I will also acknowledge their founder, Cheryl Thallon, for upholding the integrity that is so vitally important in a world which is so lacking. And because those words speak volumes, that’s all I need to say other than we are offering you a 15% discount across all Viridian products within the timescale listed below, and additionally we will include a free trial pack of Peak Focus (six capsules) whilst stock lasts, details of which are on the product page listed below.
Viridian Nutrition; Peak Focus (offer ends at midnight GMT, Wednesday 7 December)
Best Beauty Brand
I am typing extraordinarily quickly because I am going to have to give this award to Garden of Wisdom, which is of course our own brand. So, all I really want to say here is thank you so much for supporting the products which Shabir formulated for and on behalf of all of us. I have already written above that two of the Garden of Wisdom products are our bestselling beauty products, so I think I want to leave it there, but just to say that with every order placed for any of the Garden of Wisdom products, we will automatically include a jar of Pore Cleaning Powder, whilst stock lasts, which is worth £13.50. It’s gloriously pink and very Hollywood. 1940’s Hollywood. I feel.
Garden of Wisdom for VH
Ongoing Excellence
This one was easy, and the award does of course go to Spacemasks. Founded and created by the very remarkable Harriet Inglis, Spacemasks are the perfect antidote to life itself. Gently warming your eye area, they help remove tension and are best used at night to help promote restful sleep. Each Spacemask will last for around 15 minutes, although mine tend to last a little longer. I think I wrote last week that Spacemasks are epic, and they most certainly are, and I believe they always will be.
I wanted to do something different in the recognition and celebration of Spacemasks, so let’s do just that, but before I tell you what that is, I am offering you a 15% discount across all Spacemasks and therein a clue. For a limited time only, we are offering you the opportunity to buy Spacemasks in aid of LittleLifts, a charity for women with breast cancer. The original Spacemasks are scented with Jasmine and the Spacemasks LittleLifts Charity Box are scented with Chamomile. As ever, you may wish to split these boxes and give an individual Spacemask as a wellbeing gift. And to help you do that, I will include a free Spacemask, the original, with either box, whilst stock lasts.
Spacemasks £16.50 for Five Spacemasks + One Free Spacemask For Gifting (whilst stock lasts); Spacemasks LittleLifts Charity Box (Chamomile) £16.50 for Five Spacemasks + One Free Spacemask For Gifting (whilst stocks last)
Best Innovation
I am sorry, but every time I write about these products I begin to laugh, and I’ve been laughing ever since I knew of their existence, which was long before we launched them. I am of course talking about the two KateMoth products, the sachet and the drawer liners. Maybe I’ve got a weird sense of humour, but the thought of Kate hanging in my wardrobe and lining my knicker drawer is all too much, but she is there for a purpose and that purpose is a subtle way of deterring fabric-eating moths from damaging your garments. The KateMoth sachet sold out within days of launch, but Kate is back in town and as such I am offering you a 15% discount across all Roadscents products.
KateMoth – Moth Deterrent; KateMoth Deterrent Drawer Liners; All RoadScents Products (offer ends at midnight GMT, Wednesday 7 December)
Best Nostalgic Product
Earlier this year I went through a phase of writing about nostalgic products. I felt it brought a sense of comfort and warmth, evoking memories of people and places, at a time when we needed it the most. Small enough to be slipped into a pocket, the 4711 Watch Bottle carries the story of this fragrance which was created at the beginning of the 18th Century, and because so many of you could relate, I really do have to give this award to the 4711 Watch Bottle. Nothing came close.
4711 Eau De Cologne Watch Bottle by Glockengasse £6.10 for 25 ml
Best For Hands
This award will come as no surprise to those of you who read the last Weekend Read because I more or less announced that I would give this award to Gloves In A Bottle for their continued and sustained excellence spanning more than two decades. So, all I really need to say here is that having released three new products last weekend, I thought I knew which would be the bestselling product and I got it wrong. I thought it would be Gloves In A Bottle Botanical, but it was Gloves In A Bottle Original. So much for my psychic powers.
Gloves In A Bottle Original £7.50 for 100 ml (drops from £8.50); Gloves In A Bottle SPF 15 £8.95 for 100 ml (drops from £9.95); Gloves In A Bottle Botanical £8.50 for 100 ml (drops from £9.50)
Best Immunity Drink
I nearly left this award out because how many awards do we actually need, but I have included it because I do think that Night Time Immunity Drink is a brilliant product. It delivers a high-strength dose of vitamins and minerals to support the immune system, whilst also helping to promote restful sleep. So having acknowledged the product, there is another reason why I have included it, and that is with every order placed today, no matter the cost of that order, we will include a sachet of Night Time Immunity Drink because I want to. And for those who may think it, I will say it, this is not a brand promotion, we have bought the sachets in order to share as widely as we can. And I think that matters if you truly believe in something.
Night Time Immunity Drink by Tonic Health £7.99 For Ten Sachets (drops from £8.99 whilst stock lasts)
Hero Product
And the award goes to Fulvic Face Cream. I deliberated long and hard about this and I drove Shabir mad in the process because Fulvic Face belongs to us and it was formulated by Shabir. And yet I can’t ignore the fact that it is the fastest-growing beauty product this year and I really am overwhelmed by your feedback, which always means so much. I can’t write many more words, so this is just to say a huge thank you to those who love it as much as I do, and because so many of you do, I am dropping the price of Fulvic Face Cream from £30 to £20, across the weekend. Any longer and I think we may have a problem.
Fulvic Face Cream £20 for 60 ml (offer ends at midnight GMT, Sunday 4 December)
Saturday Only Treat
I was getting so carried away, I nearly forgot to do this, but here it is and with every order placed for £30 and above, excluding p&p, we will automatically include a travel size Fulvic treat, which could be any one of four different products, but Fulvic Face Cream won’t be included in case you were thinking it could be. In a way I am doing this to recognise Fulvic as a brand, which is far easier than giving the entire brand an award. Even if it does deserve it. Let’s move on.
This is a personal award, but an award which is so deserved for the love, knowledge, care and compassion shown not only to me, but to each of you who have participated in her Rapid Tapping sessions. Poppy Delbridge is extraordinarily gifted and she has shared her gift throughout this year in order to support those of us who are finding it difficult to cope in a tremendously difficult world. Giving hope and support to those who need it the most, the smile on her face brings a sense of comfort, warmth and belonging, which is so appreciated.
There can be no greater gift than the giving of yourself and words are never enough, but with all the love in my heart Poppy, please accept this Gratitude Award for and on behalf of each of us who have benefited from your innate wisdom, and there are many. Forever in my Gratitude Jar.
Harriet’s Story
Behind every face there is a story, a story that so often determines our purpose and sense of being. Our stories shape who and what we are, and because so very often our stories speak of adversity, it takes strength and courage to overcome the experiences that deeply wound us. I think it is a given that we are helped enormously by inspirational stories and inspirational people. Which is why I am writing this.
Harriet’s story is one of profound loss, but I do urge you to read her story essentially because death is so very difficult to talk about, but in her creation of the Death Book, Harriet celebrates life and death with pragmatism, understanding and compassion. Before you read Harriet’s story, I will tell you that Harriet is of course Spacemasks Harriet. And I have her Death Book. Because I wanted it. For my children. No more words.
Harriet’s Story; The Death Book £12.50
And so we have reached the end of the annual VH Awards, so just a few more things to say. The first is that we will do our very best to honour all offers within the timescale given and, as I wrote last week, if anything flips onto a pre-order status, and I can almost guarantee some products will, this is essentially a wait list and we will get the products to you as quickly as we can. If there are any issues, we will let you know. And one last thing, I have always believed that awards should be given on merit, which is why I am so against paid-for awards because paid-for awards undermine the very essence of real celebration and real achievement. And I think that’s shameful.
Finally, I invited Poppy to dedicate a song, a song of hope and a song to reflect her teachings. And her song is Don’t Give Up.
Herbie Hancock ‘Don’t Give Up’ Featuring Pink And John Legend; The VH Playlist
Love always
Gill x
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Prices and products advertised at times of sending and publishing are subject to change and availability.
*Free gifts will only be granted if the items purchased are physical products and your total basket value exceeds the required amount noted. Saturday only treats are subject to change should the specified gift run out prior to your purchase and are only included in orders placed between 7.45am (GMT) and Midnight (GMT) on the Saturday the Weekend Read is sent. VH Addicts membership is a digital product and therefore will be excluded from the basket value. Some gifts are blocked from international shipping due to local limitations imposed based on the country destination. If this is the case, we will replace the gift with one that is able to be shipped to your destination.