
Editorial - Wellbeing

A Probiotic Supplement To Prevent & Treat Gum Disease

A Probiotic Supplement To Prevent & Treat Gum Disease

Gum disease, if left unchecked, can give you more than rotten teeth. It can affect your heart, liver and kidneys too. For many people, brushing and flossing twice a day may not be sufficient. Fortunat...

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Can You “Detox” Sugar?

Can You “Detox” Sugar?

Sugar is at the tip of everyone’s tongue, from people trying to reduce their intake for better health, to heated arguments around regulating sugar like tobacco; with health warnings and taxes. But, fo...

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And Just B-R-E-A-T-H-E

And Just B-R-E-A-T-H-E

I haven’t always breathed brilliantly. My overriding childhood memory is of a Wright’s Coal Tar Burner flickering in the corner of my bedroom, in an effort to ‘open up my passages’ (as my mother rathe...

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Why Are We Scared Of Our Children?

Why Are We Scared Of Our Children?

Who knows when things got quite so out of hand? Was it when we decided that it was a good idea to become our children’s best friend? Nauseating at best, down right creepy at worst. I cringe inwardly...

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The Spa Cure

The Spa Cure

The New Year usually sends us off on a diet and detox frenzy. It’s entirely natural after the Christmas excess to want to give our bodies a break, yet at the same time, starving ourselves in the depth...

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Maternity Wear

Maternity Wear

I remember it only too well. 2012 and I was pregnant with my second daughter. Truly I wanted to embrace a whole new maternity wardrobe. So too, did my (particularly rampant) Chinese consumer genes, no...

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