Drug-Free Relief From Heartburn
It is estimated that 40% of the adult population suffer from heartburn. Drugs are often prescribed for sufferers from recurring heartburn and these are not without side effects. In fact many of these...
Read moreIt is estimated that 40% of the adult population suffer from heartburn. Drugs are often prescribed for sufferers from recurring heartburn and these are not without side effects. In fact many of these...
Read moreHaving regular bowel movements is absolutely vital for your health. Unfortunately, many people suffer from constipation and resort to the use of laxatives or drugs that may have side effects. Constipa...
Read moreStomach problems are very common and if you suffer from heartburn constantly, belch, have abdominal pain or have a very sensitive stomach, the chances are you may be suffering from gastritis. Stomach...
Read moreMillions of people around the world suffer from acid reflux, heartburn and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD). People often resort to antacids and if these don’t work then they may be prescribed...
Read moreHoliday health problems are often forgotten about when planning a holiday until someone comes down with something and then we rush to the local pharmacy trying to explain the symptoms and finding the...
Read moreIrritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a very common debilitating gastrointestinal disorder that affects people in different ways. It is estimated that between 8% and 20% of the adult population are affect...
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