Moringa Powder - Health Benefits, and More

Moringa Powder - Health Benefits, and More

Moringa powder is obtained from ground Moringa leaves using the gentlest processes in order to keep the nutrients from degradation. What exactly is Moringa? Moringa was featured over a decade ago in a documentary and dubbed the most nutritious plant on Earth. The documentary highlighted Moringa’s success in parts of Africa where people who added dried Moringa leaves to their diet overcame malnutrition and hence this was dubbed the Miracle Tree.

Is Moringa a Miracle Tree?

Moringa Oleifera is native to North West India but these days Moringa is found in tropical regions of Africa, Central and South America as well as Malaysia and Indonesia. Moringa is highly tolerant to drought and requires little maintenance. Almost every part of the tree can be utilised and each of the parts are also highly nutritious.

Moringa pods are perhaps one of the most commonly consumed parts of the plant. Immature pods taste like asparagus and the seeds can be roasted to use as snack. Their nutrient profile includes amino acids, vitamins and minerals. The dried seeds can also be used to produce Moringa oil, also known as Ben Oil due to its rich source of Behanic acid. Moringa Oil is clear, odourless and has a nutritional value comparable to olive oil and can be used topically to restore natural lipids in skin.

With many shrubs, the flowers are the decorative part but in the case of Moringa, the flowers are not only edible but actually a rich source of calcium and potassium and may be used in salads or soup. The roots of the Moringa tree can be dried and grated with a taste similar to horseradish.

But the real nutritional benefits are the leaves of the Moringa plant. Moringa leaves are super dense in nutrients and have an earthy taste similar to spinach.

Health benefits of Moringa leaves

Moringa leaves contain over 90 nutrients including vitamins, minerals and amino acids. But that’s not all! Moringa leaves also contain over 40 different types of antioxidants and a similar quantity of anti-inflammatory compounds. Aside from their rich nutrient profile, Moringa leaves also contain 23% protein which is the highest ratio of protein found in plants. Additionally, Moringa leaves are a great source of fibre containing roughly 24%.

Moringa leaves when dried contain:

  • 9 times more protein than yoghurt
  • 3 times more vitamin A than carrots
  • 12 times more vitamin C than oranges
  • 15 times more potassium than bananas

It’s no wonder than Moringa is often referred to as a superfood. There are thousands of studies highlighting Moringa's benefits which include:

Antioxidants to help quench damaging free radicals. Moringa leaves contain high levels of polyphenols and flavonoids that display potent antioxidant activity. In fact Moringa leaves display six times the antioxidant activity of Goji berries!

Moringa powder helps support your digestive health in several ways. Its high fibre content helps to move food through the digestive tract whilst their alkalising effect helps to keep the body including the gut in an alkaline state.

Moringa powder is packed with energising chlorophyll and live enzymes, Moringa powder's high nutritional content makes it ideal for use as a multivitamin for those who cannot swallow pills or capsules. Moringa leaves contain more vitamin A than carrots, more vitamin C than oranges, more iron than spinach, more calcium than milk and more potassium than bananas – truly a nutritional superfood. This same nutritional content also helps support the immune system.

Moringa powder contains one of the highest concentration of plant protein within the plant kingdom. With 24% per cent protein and nine amino acids, these can all be utilised for the repair processes that occur on an ongoing basis within our bodies.

Aside from bringing the body into balance, Moringa powder contain tryptophan, an amino acid that is known to enhance mood elevating serotonin levels within the body.

Is Moringa an adaptogen?

Aside from its very high nutritional content, Moringa is now gaining status as an adaptogen. Adaptogens are a special class of herbs that act rather like a thermostat – they give energy and focus and at the same time work to calm the body. Adaptogens basically work to bring the body back into balance and of the thousands of herbs, only a few are classified as true adaptogens, with Moringa being one of them! Moringa’s benefits include: nourishing our immune system, enhancing circulation, increasing energy, promoting healthy digestion and much more. It is, however, its adaptogenic properties that are gaining popularity.

Moringa is considered an adaptogen because it helps increase resistance to stress, whether this stressor is physical, chemical or biological. It also helps to bring the body back into balance no matter where the stress is coming from and it does not interfere with the body’s normal functions.

Research by AXA in the UK concluded that 82% of the British population feel stressed every week thanks to the “always on” culture. Moringa’s adaptogenic properties may be nature’s answer to stress.

Why Aduna Moringa?

Aduna is an Africa-inspired health food company whose mission is to bring to you the natural vitality of Africa’s ancient ingredients, while creating sustainable livelihoods for small-scale producers. Some notable super-ingredients include Baobab and Super Cacao powders.

Aduna only use the Moringa leaves from trees which are not subjected to pesticides to produce Moringa powder of a very high quality. 

Aduna’s Moringa Green Superleaf Powder is a high quality Moringa powder in supplement because:

  • Only the leaves are used which is where the valuable nutrients are at their densest
  • The leaves are not exposed to high heat which would destroy some of the fragile nutrients
  • The product is organic and hence free from herbicides and pesticides
  • This supplement is presented in a dry powder form ensuring maximum concentration of nutrients
  • There are no additives or fillers – only 100% Moringa powder

Moringa, once only known to the eastern world and parts of Africa, is gaining popularity internationally and is now available for supplementing your diet to provide nutritional support which may be of benefit for optimal health.

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