Weekend Read 23 November 2024
Hello, it’s Saturday morning and in the midst of our Black Friday offers, I have some new offers to share with you today. It has been a crazy week, but at this time of year it is always pretty wild, so we go with it, but before we roll into today’s offers, some words to share, and I wrote similar words to the Addicts on Monday, but I am repeating them here, because they are important and they reflect my thoughts about Black Friday.
I have always considered that Black Friday should be a celebration, so for this period of time we are throwing the focus on celebrating and sharing some of our bestselling products and brands with you. I will caveat this by saying that each of these offers are only available whilst stock lasts, which saves me writing that after each paragraph, and I say that for the sake of transparency and understanding between us. So, when an offer is over, it is over and it will disappear from our site and float up to Black Friday heaven.
And so we begin, and there is no better place to start than with HA, which is of course our bestselling supplement, and it has been for a very long time. For any supplement, or product for that matter, to retain its status, it has to deliver on promise and HA does just that, it always has, but promises are dependent upon efficacy, and efficacy is dependent upon clinical evaluation. Having followed ongoing clinicals through the decades, three to be precise, we believe HA retains its best-in-class status in its genre, so as we celebrate together, when you buy HA, we will automatically send you the travel size HA free, containing 15 capsules which is worth £17.50.
VH Editorial: Benefits Of Hyaluronic Acid Supplements; DoSe Hyaluronic Acid Capsules High Strength £35 for 30 Capsules + DoSe Hyaluronic Acid Capsules High Strength Capsules 15 Capsules Free
Clinical studies most definitely play a role in the evidenced efficacy of NAD+ Generator, which we believe supersedes all that has gone before in the healthy ageing stakes, and that includes NMN. I think the easiest thing to do here is to link Shabir’s article below rather than write chapter and verse, because this newsletter is primarily about offers, but there is a world of difference between marketing initiatives and clinical transparency and because we must always honour that transparency, when you buy NAD+ Generator, we will automatically send you the travel size NAD+ Generator free, containing 15 capsules which is worth £16. Statement made.
VH Editorial: Are NAD Supplements Beneficial; DoSe NAD+ Generator £32 for 30 Capsules + DoSe NAD+ Generator 15 Capsules Free
When we launched DoSe earlier this year, I wrote that DoSe was a concept and a story, an ongoing story that centres on the evolution of our health and wellbeing. It was evident then, and it is evident now, that DoSe forms an invitation to enhance our health and wellbeing with a curation of breakthrough, scientifically-based supplementation. In many ways, the story of DoSe is a culmination of everything I have ever written and everything we believe in, and as we continue to demonstrate the power and efficacy of natural ingredients, we are offering a 15% discount across all DoSe supplementation, with the exception of Liposomal Vitamin C Duo, HA and NAD+ Generator, as above.
DoSe Supplementation
The story of DoSe continued when we launched DoSe skincare, except we didn’t launch DoSe skincare on a beauty platform, we launched it on a health platform, which aligns with our elevated approach to health and beauty, a story in and of itself where health and beauty merge, and emerge as one. I have always believed in the integration of supplementation and topical solutions, it is a powerful solution for the health of our skin, and so, in line with DoSe supplementation, we are offering a 15% discount across each of the DoSe skincare products, with one exception, that exception being Ergothioneine Serum, which is coming next.
DoSe Skincare
We released this offer earlier this week, but I would just like to take a moment to share the words I shared with the Addicts. Ergothioneine is truly one of the most outstanding products we have ever launched, so as we celebrate together, the joy has always been the sharing of the products which make a real difference to each of us. After testing Ergothioneine Serum for almost two years, I knew the difference it made, and continues to make, to the long-term health and integrity of my own skin, and backed by exemplary clinical evaluation, when you buy Ergothioneine Serum, we will gift you another Ergothioneine Serum, which is worth £26.
VH Editorial: Ergothioneine Serum And Its Benefits For Skin; DoSe Ergothioneine Serum £26 for 30 ml + Dose Ergothioneine Serum 30 ml Free
As we continue, we are now going to take a look at offers from some of the brands we endorse and recommend. In line with our ethos, we will only ever support the brands which we feel make a positive difference in their respective fields and we have always held our curation of these brands tight, because it is the easiest thing in the world to list thousands of brands, but there has to be discernment and there has to be trust, and I could write an essay about this subject, but this moment belongs to our chosen brands and just to say here that offers differ from brand to brand, so with all of that said, let’s continue.
Dirtea was founded in 2019 and since that time they have been offering a unique range of powders and super blends which demonstrate the healing properties of mushrooms, adaptogens and ayurvedic herbs. The medicinal benefits of mushrooms are well known, and numerous studies have shown the power of medicinal mushrooms to help support our immune system as well as our overall health and wellbeing. Once again, I am going to link an article below where Shabir takes a look at medicinal mushrooms and we are offering a 30% discount off the RRP across all of the Dirtea products with the exception of the recently launched Chai Super Blend and the Dirtea Gummies.
VH Editorial: The Unique Benefits Of Medicinal Mushrooms; Dirtea Products
Two brands, one paragraph. The first brand, Aduna, throw the focus on African superfoods, including Baobob, Cacao and Moringa, which are sustainably sourced and here we are offering a 20% discount across their entire range. The second brand, Nutriburst, offer a range of gummies which are sugar-free and suitable for vegans. Developed by scientists and designed to support nutritional deficiencies, the bestselling product in this range is Ashwagandha KSM-66 and here we are offering a 30% discount across each of their products.
Aduna Products; Nutriburst Products
As so many of you know, I have a big soft spot for the brands we have launched across the years and I am fiercely loyal to those brands, one of which is Lixirskin, founded by Dr Colette Haydon. I have always believed that we each have a choice, and my choice is to work closely with the brands and the people who really do make a difference in the work that they do. Yes, of course it is about the products, but it is also about trust and support, so in recognition of the trust and support you have given to us, we are offering you a 30% discount across all of the Lixirskin products.
Lixirskin Products
We launched Color Wow in the UK in 2013 for and on behalf of John Frieda and Gail Federici, and because every brand has a story, the story of Color Wow centred on its problem-solving approach to coloured hair. I am always writing about pioneering products and Root Cover Up was just that, pioneering, but so was Dream Coat, the revolutionary anti-humidity sealant which we launched in 2017. Haircare history was made with the launch of Color Wow and in celebration of that historical moment, when you spend £20 across the Color Wow brand, you will automatically receive a travel-size One Minute Transformation worth £11. Only one gift per customer here.
Color Wow Products
Back to skincare and we have listed Derma E skincare since the beginning of time, and across the years I think that many will have used at least one of their products, so let’s take a look at three of the current bestselling products from Derma E. Those three products are Crepey Skin Repair Treatment, Vitamin C Bright Eyes Hydro Gel Patches and their Acne Pore Cleansing Wash and I am linking each of those products below with a 15% discount.
Crepey Skin Repair Treatment; Vitamin C Bright Eyes Hydro Gel Patches; Acne Pore Cleansing Wash
One more skincare brand to write about today and that’s Dermelect Cosmeceutials, where we are offering a 10% discount across the brand. The bestselling product here is Smooth Upper Lip Professional, followed by Runway Ready Luxury Foot treatment, which I promise you is totally luxurious, and Self-Esteem Beauty Sleep Serum. For the record, I use Bounceback Forehead Line Treatment, not for my forehead, but as a primer for make-up, and although the texture is a bit weird, actually it’s very weird, there is something about it that I love, so just perhaps it is me that is weird.
Dermelect Products
Neom. This one is really easy, when you buy any Neom products with a value of £25 or above, we will automatically send you their Christmas Wish Travel Candle, which is worth £20. At the time of writing, I am not sure how many of the Neom seasonal gifts we have left in stock, but they are worth looking at, so I will put a link to seasonal gifts below this too. There is only one gift per customer, and for the sake of logistics, if the Christmas Wish Travel Candle fails to go into your basket at checkout, that will mean the offer is over, actually being neat, that applies to the Color Wow gift too.
NEOM Products; Seasonal Gifts
And if we are doing easy, we are offering a 10% discount on each of the TEMPLESPA seasonal gifts and you will find these in our seasonal gifts category, linked below. A word here to say that this offer is only available whilst stock lasts and once they have gone, they have gone.
TEMPLESPA Seasonal Gifts
The last offer is totally amazing, and it’s totally amazing because the Drowsy Silk Sleep Masks are totally amazing. Drowsy Silk Sleep Masks are probably one of the most talked about sleep products by UK beauty editors, and I am joining in because they really do block out light, cushioning eyes and muffling sound, and although I am not a sleep mask person, this is another level sleep mask, even I can recognise that. Anyway, we are offering up to 30% discount across all of the Drowsy products, with 30% off the masks and 25% off the Silk Pillowcase, and the added bonus here is that with every order placed, we will throw in the Drowsy Scrunchie, which is worth £5, while they are still available.
Drowsy Products
A few more things to say, one of which is that we have sent out two Black Friday emails this week, well three including the Addicts Bulletin. I am not going to list all of our Black Friday offers to date, I will be here forever, but what I will do is link to our Black Friday category for ease, including all our Fulvic Acid offers, and brand discounts, including 25% off Better You, 25% off the Ross J. Barr Patches, 20% off Wild Nutrition and 20% off Ingenious.
Black Friday Category
Finally, and on from my words last weekend about music touching us, Turn, Turn, Turn, touches me in the same way as Where Have All The Flowers Gone, both written by Pete Seeger.
Turn, Turn, Turn by Pete Seeger; The VH Playlist
Wishing each of you a restful weekend.
With love.
Gill x