Weekend Read 17 February 2024

Weekend Read 17 February 2024

If ever I was in any doubt about the importance of writing words outside of the products we endorse and recommend, then last weekend was an endorsement in and of itself about that importance, most especially because of the words of the song I chose to share.  In so many ways those words were a cathartic release, with an understanding that there are moments in all of our lives when we need to release, acknowledging our emotional response to music.

And so it came to pass that many of us were crying into our coffee last Saturday morning, a collective cathartic release perhaps, but a powerful release which in so many ways allows a healing, overcoming adversity.  At some point in each of our lives we need to overcome adversity and although that adversity can appear in many different forms, there is a comfort in knowing that as a collective we are heard in a world which seems to have forgotten how to listen.

So, with that said, let’s talk about products and I am staying on the subject of core supplementation, which I referred to last weekend.  Having shared my core supplementation with you, I did so because I have a strong and fundamental belief that each of those supplements, Hyaluronic Acid, NAD+ Generator and Fulvic Elixir, play an important role in the healthy ageing process, a process which allows us to demonstrate our commitment to advanced and far-reaching scientific research and clinicals which serve to address our optimum health and wellbeing in a considered and responsible approach to that shared process.
Hyaluronic Acid Capsules High Strength £35 for 30 Capsules; NAD+ Generator £32 for 30 Capsules; Fulvic Acid Elixir £30 for 480 ml

If we were to take a wider look at core supplementation, it remains an absolute that many other forms of supplementation become core, dependent on need.  In other words what is core to one, may not necessarily be core for all of us.  Superior Joints is one such supplement and it becomes core because it provides joint pain relief for arthritis, knee pain, muscle pain and backache exceptionally well.

The key ingredient in Superior Joints is Natural Eggshell Membrane (NEM), which is clinically proven to help reduce pain and stiffness and, such is its efficacy, it has become a very important core supplement for so many, including Shabir.  I don’t take Superior Joints, thankfully I don’t need to, but if we are to honour the efficacy of Superior Joints, then we must also honour Hyaluronic Acid because Superior Joints and Hyaluronic Acid work synergistically in addressing many aspects of joint pain, so let’s take a look at that.

Cartilage, which is rich in HA, is a very specialised connective tissue that lends flexibility and strength to the body and this tissue can be found between the joint structures.  Our joints are surrounded by a membrane, called the synovial membrane, which secretes a fluid that acts as a cushion, lubricant and nutrient carrier, feeding the cartilage and removing waste matter, including acidic compounds that cause pain and stiffness.  We all know and understand that our levels of HA decline with age, which is why I have always referred to HA as a core supplement for each of us and I strongly believe it will retain that status forever.  And a day.

The two supplements which are most often taken together are Superior Joints and Hyaluronic Acid, which makes total sense to me and probably doesn’t surprise you.  In honouring their synergy, if you buy Superior Joints then we will automatically include the travel-size HA Capsules (15 capsules), which is worth £17.50.  I am not sure whether this offer will last very long, mostly because the offer is dependent upon stock levels, so there is only one gift per customer in order that we may share as widely as we can. And if the offer does end before the end of the weekend, we will then take the price of Superior Joints down from £30 to £26 across the rest of the weekend.
VH Editorial: Read This If You Suffer From Painful Joints; Superior Joints £30 for 60 Capsules + Hyaluronic Acid Capsules High Strength (15 capsules) Free (Worth £17.50) (whilst stock lasts)

It is perhaps an indictment of societal changes that we have forgotten how to honour each other, and I know I wrote many words about that last weekend, but I won’t let it go because there is so little respect left in this world.  I am sick and tired of the witch-hunts played out across social media and the mainstream media and without referencing specific people or incidents, which I will not do in this moment, these attacks have a serious effect on our mental health and wellbeing, without consideration or thought for those whose lives may be ruined for the sake of a headline.

I have an absolute understanding of how that experience can play out, and it is far from acceptable.  I am not sure how the perpetrators of such cruelty live with themselves, not least because of the lies they tell in order to inflate their own sense of importance. I find that abhorrent and I am more than aware how many of us have been subjected to this form of behaviour, so it is little wonder that Magnolia Rhodiola Complex is our bestselling product for stress and anxiety as it speaks volumes about an increasing dependency on prescribed and natural medication, so often linked to the societal changes we are each facing.

So, without putting any more words around this, I am going to drop the price of Magnolia Rhodiola Complex down to £24 from £28 because there are those moments in life when a meaningful acknowledgement is required for those who have walked that path, and for those of us who are still walking it. 
VH Editorial: How To Combat Stress Effectively; Magnolia Rhodiola Complex £24 for 60 Capsules (offer ends at midnight GMT, Sunday 18 February)

A word here to say that if you are taking prescribed mood modifying medication, you cannot take Magnolia Rhodiola Complex because it will contra-indicate, but it is perfectly safe to take Florassist Mood Improve.  Florassist Mood Improve is an interesting supplement because it is in fact a probiotic and research has indicated that probiotics may also be effective at alleviating anxiety and mood disorders.  We have always known that the brain has an influence on the digestive system, but scientists are becoming increasingly convinced that what happens in the gut also affects the brain and this is termed as the gut-brain axis.

Two specific strains of bacteria, Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 and Bifidobacterium longum R0175, have been studied extensively and both of these strains are present in Florassist Mood Improve, which has been the subject of human trials where it was found to relieve the symptoms of anxiety and low mood, whilst also helping to reduce levels of the stress hormone, cortisol.  Shabir does the lowdown on Florassist Mood Improve in his article, linked below, and I drop the price from £26 to £23, across the weekend or whilst stock lasts.
VH Editorial: A Probiotic Supplement To Relieve Anxiety; Florassist Mood Improve by Life Extension £23 for 30 Capsules (offer ends at midnight GMT, Sunday 18 February or whilst stock lasts)

As far as this newsletter is concerned, I am not quite finished with core supplementation because it is an interesting subject matter, most especially when products are not specifically deemed to be core, but in the fullness of time they become core.  I am going to use Omega 7 Sea Buckthorn Oil as an example of a supplement which has become core, not only for vaginal dryness, which I wrote about a few weeks ago, but for its role in dry eye syndrome, which alongside HA, has been the subject of several studies for this common concern.

I always know when a product is about to become designated as core because of the ordering pattern, which can often result in a wait list.  This is exactly what happened with Omega 7 Sea Buckthorn Oil, so this is to say that it is now back in stock and to celebrate that status I am taking the price down from £21 to £19 across the weekend.  May I also say that I loved the review on the product page which declared that Omega 7 helped to heal dry cracked lips.  Thank you Dale, it could become a thing.  Between us.
VH Editorial: Tackling Dry Eye Syndrome; Omega 7 Sea Buckthorn Oil by Sibu £19 for 60 Softgels

Moving on, let’s talk about stomach problems, which are very common and if you suffer from heartburn constantly, belch, have abdominal pain or have a very sensitive stomach, the chances are that you may be suffering from gastritis.  Stomach problems after eating may also be a sign of food sensitivity, but persistent stomach problems are usually associated with some form of gastritis.

Gastritis is the inflammation of the lining of the stomach and there are many causes of gastritis, which include stress, excessive alcohol consumption, prolonged use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and certain auto-immune diseases.  Sometimes gastritis can develop after a chronic infection, however one of the most common causes of gastritis is an infection by the organism Helicobacter pylori (H pylori), a bacterium species found in the stomach.

Identified by scientists in 1982, H pylori is thought to be one of the most common infections in the world and it is estimated that over 50% of the world’s population harbour H pylori in the gut.  Shabir does the lowdown on H pylori in his article linked below, which is important to read if you are having stomach issues, most especially because H pylori is often unnoticed. Conventional treatment for H pylori is through the use of antibiotics and medications to help suppress acid production, but as long-term use of antibiotics can lead to resistance, we recommend Oregano Oil as a natural alternative.

Oregano oil is a plant belonging to the mint family and contains a variety of compounds that display potent antioxidant properties.  In addition to these compounds, Oregano oil also contains Carvacrol, Thymol and Rosmarinic acid.  Carvacrol, the most abundant compound in Oregano oil, has been shown to help stop the growth of several species of bacteria, Thymol displays potent antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties which help to address bacterial and fungal infections in the body.  Also helping to support the immune system, Oregano oil can help to improve gut health, including those suffering from SIBO.  Quite a tincture. 
VH Editorial: A Natural Solution To Chronic Stomach Problems; Oil Of Oregano (Alcohol Free) by Nature’s Answer £27.99 for 30 ml

Right, we are going to do one or two new products and I will begin with a new product from Willowberry and that product is Vitamin C Night Cream.  Conforming to their philosophy of Age Without Apology, Vitamin C Night Cream has been specifically formulated for the needs of grown-up skin which throws the focus on vitamins, antioxidants and essential fatty acids. Its powerful actives include Vitamins C and E, Marine Algae Extract and Hyaluronic Acid.

So, if you buy Vitamin C Night Cream, or any of the Willowberry products, we will automatically include Willowberry’s Nutrient Boost Cleansing Balm (30 ml) as a gift with purchase, which is worth £16.99.  This rich cleansing balm melts away dirt and make-up while nourishing and hydrating for comfortable deeply cleansed skin without that ‘tight’ feeling.  Full product details of the Nutrient Boost Cleansing Balm are listed below and there is only one gift per customer, whilst stock lasts.  If you haven’t tried any of Willowberry’s skincare products, this is a good opportunity to do so because I really respect the work Jenni Retourné, the founder of Willowberry, is doing.
Vitamin C Night Cream by Willowberry £34.99 for 60 ml; Nutrient Boost Cleansing Balm by Willowberry

A new product from Soapsmith is always a cause for celebration, so please allow me to introduce you to Whitechapel Reed Diffuser.  Each of the Soapsmith diffusers are expertly formulated with natural oils working together to create differing scent experiences.  Capturing the artistic spirit of Whitechapel, the fragrance itself is a beautiful blend of Violets and Lilacs, which I totally adore.  This is a Limited Edition fragrance and I’m not sure just how limited it is, but notwithstanding that, when you buy the Whitechapel Reed Diffuser, or any of the Soapsmith products, we will include a gift and that gift is Marble Arch Soap (50 grams).  Only one gift per customer, whilst stock lasts.
Whitechapel Reed Diffuser by Soapsmith £25 for 100 ml

Last weekend I wrote about two new products from TEMPLESPA, Soft Embrace and Handled With Care.  All was going well, until the backend of our site decided to stop taking orders for Soft Embrace, which none of us could understand.  I honestly don’t know how a site can work one minute and then it decides to fall down, but because it stopped taking orders for Soft Embrace, we’ll go again as I tell you that Soft Embrace is a rich and creamy shower mousse, with comforting Mediterranean essential oils.  Handled With Care was absolutely fine, well nearly fine, it went into wait list territory, but we are back in stock now.
Soft Embrace by TEMPLESPA £20 for 150 ml; Handled With Care – Restoring Hand Duo by TEMPLESPA £20

Nearly there, but before we go into the Saturday only treat, I feel like having a moment, and this is another of those Fulvic moments.  There are those products which can be classified as hero products and Fulvic Nail Cream is one such product, it always has been. So, reverting to my opening words about Fulvic Elixir being core, I fundamentally believe that the health and beauty crossover is also core, for many different reasons, which I will be writing more about in the weeks to come.

I don’t think I need to write many words about the efficacy of Fulvic Nail Cream, I will just refer you to the reviews of the product, for which I thank you.  In demonstrating the importance of the health and beauty crossover, if you buy Fulvic Nail Cream, we will automatically include Fulvic Elixir (240 ml), which is worth £15.  And yes, I know that Pure Nail Strengthening Treatment was featured in The Sunday Times last weekend, so my recommendation is to use Fulvic Nail Cream and follow through by painting your nails with Pure Nail Strengthening Treatment, having dosed yourself with Fulvic.  Walking the talk.
VH Editorial: Fulvic Acid – The Elixir Of Life; Fulvic Nail Cream £14 for 30 ml + Fulvic Elixir (240 ml) Free (offer ends at midnight GMT, Sunday 18 February and only one gift per customer); Pure Nail Strengthening Treatment by Margaret Dabbs London £16 for 9 ml

Into the Saturday only treat we go, and with every order placed for £35 and above, excluding p&p, we will automatically include Aromatherapy Associates De-Stress Muscle Bath & Shower Oil* (9 ml).  Full product details are listed below, but just to say that having thrown the focus on anxiety and stress, I wanted to be able to share a gift which reflected my words.  And I think this does it.
De-Stress Muscle Bath & Shower Oil

So, as we come to the end of another Weekend Read, I am sharing another Josh Groban song with you, which was a request from a VH Addict in celebration of her birthday this month. And when we open our eyes we find we are not lost, but found.  An embracement of acceptance.
February Song by Josh Groban; The VH Playlist

With love

Gill x

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Prices and products advertised at times of sending and publishing are subject to change and availability.

*Free gifts will only be granted if the items purchased are physical products and your total basket value exceeds the required amount noted.  Saturday only treats are subject to change should the specified gift run out prior to your purchase and are only included in orders placed between 7.45am (GMT) and Midnight (GMT) on the Saturday the Weekend Read is sent.  VH Addicts membership is a digital product and therefore will be excluded from the basket value.  Some gifts are blocked from international shipping due to local limitations imposed based on the country destination.  If this is the case, we will replace the gift with one that is able to be shipped to your destination. One gift per customer, whilst stock lasts.