Natural Psoriasis Creams
There are many natural psoriasis creams on the market that it can often be difficult to decide which of these creams is the best one to use and what ingredients to watch out for. Natural psoriasis creams are a popular choice for many sufferers with many choosing to try these psoriasis creams as opposed to steroid creams or coal tar creams which are not without side effects and are certainly very messy to use.
What is psoriasis?
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease which manifests itself on skin. Normally, our skin cells divide at a constant rate but in the case of psoriasis, the cells begin to multiply at a much faster pace leading to a build-up of skin cells which causes the characteristic horny outer layers. This increased cell proliferation also leads to inflammation which is characteristic of symptoms. These rashes may appear as red bumps that itch, flat red blotches on skin or silvery white patches on skin.
What causes psoriasis?
The cause or causes of psoriasis is still not fully understood. There are two theories which may be valid. One theory is that psoriasis is caused by a fault in the outer cell layers with the cells being in a state of hyperactivity. The second theory is that psoriasis is due to a fault in the immune system which causes inflammation of the skin cells and increased production of skin cells. The second theory is the most widely accepted one because the use of drugs which suppress the immune system often results in a marked improvement in the symptoms of psoriasis. Of course these drugs are not without side effects which is why many sufferers choose to try a natural treatment for psoriasis.
Psoriasis in not contagious and there is a definite gene marker for this disease because it does tend to run in families.
Psoriasis: Diet and Nutrition
As with many diseases, the importance of diet and nutrition cannot be underestimated especially when it comes to stubborn diseases such as psoriasis. A good diet is not a cure but can certainly help to improve the appearance of skin.
A diet rich in vegetables and fruits is a must for psoriasis sufferers. Skin is the largest organ in the body and has a high requirement for nutrients especially in those suffering from inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis since cell division is occurring at prolific rates. Include fruits and vegetables which are particularly rich in carotenoids such as corn, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, leafy greens and mangoes.
Avoid potatoes, tomatoes and peppers. Some people find these veggies aggravate psoriasis even though there is little evidence to support this.
Enhance your diet with oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and tuna. Oily fish contain omega 3 fatty acids called EPA and DHA. Fish oils high in these two good fats help to reduce inflammation within the whole body including inflammation within skin. This is why high strength fish oils supplements such as Life & Soul Omega 3 capsules are of great benefit in alleviating many dry skin concerns such as eczema and psoriasis. For the people who do not eat fish, there is an excellent alternative to fish oil, better than flax and other vegetarian sources of omega 3’s, called Echiomega. Derived from Echium seeds, the essential fatty acids in this plant based oil are easily converted into active components found in fish oils.
Reducing the amount of red meat, dairy products and gluten all of which appear to help many sufferers. There is strong evidence to suggest that losing extra weight can have a beneficial impact on psoriasis so using lean meat and low fat dairy products alongside vegetables and fruits will not only help with your weight but also with the symptoms of psoriasis.
Cut out alcohol completely if you can. Alcohol is thought to increase circulation and possibly bring the inflammatory chemicals that trigger cell division quicker than would be otherwise.
Consume a high fibre diet. Fibre may not have any nutrients, however it has the ability to remove chemicals and toxins from the gut preventing them from entering into the bloodstream.
Natural creams for psoriasis
Many sufferers are prescribed psoriasis creams, often steroidal or coal tar creams, which are either unpleasant to use or have side effects. Continued usage of steroid based creams for psoriasis treatment can cause thinning of skin, pigment problems, bruised skin and for some dilated blood vessels. For any one of these reasons, many people choose to use a natural psoriasis creams. This has obviously resulted in numerous claims touting some creams as a cure for psoriasis. There is no cure for psoriasis – you can alleviate the symptoms with psoriasis creams and you may prevent outbreaks for months or even years when you make lifestyle and dietary changes too.
The outermost layer of the skin consists of 15 to 20 cell layers of dead cells that have dried out and died and is called the corneal layer. Between these dried cells is a cement like compound which is made up of lipids to keep our skin structure intact and watertight. Psoriasis causes inflammation of skin leading to dryness leading to the loss of these lipids. This results in skin tightness, itching and the formation of skin flakes.
Since natural psoriasis creams are very convenient and easy to use, this is often the first thing that sufferers will reach for. Intensive Dry Skin Rescue Cream by Hope's Relief contains the soothing and calming properties of Aloe Vera and Chamomile to soothe, comfort and relieve any inflammation and itching. The base of this cream for inflamed skin is Jojoba seed oil to help replenish lipids in skin which will help to tackle dry skin that accompanies the inflammation associated with psoriasis. Since psoriasis is proliferation of cells that leads to what is termed plaque psoriasis, mixing a pumpful of DoSe Azelaic Acid Serum with any psoriasis cream helps to exfoliate these multiple layers of cells to gradually help achieve smooth skin. Azelaic acid is a skin-friendly chemical exfoliant which buffs away dead skin cells without causing inflammation.
Hope's Relief is a range of multi-award winning creams and lotions as well as itch relief sprays and body care products which are suitable for use for children and adults. They are gentle but effective formulations that hydrate and comfort all types of inflammatory skin conditions. This range of creams, hair & body care products for psoriasis are free from petroleum products, paraben, steroids and nasty preservatives.
Basix Skin Defence Cream is a steroid-free cream which contains the reparative, healing and anti-inflammatory properties of the Kigella tree together with a blend of ginger and aloe vera to soothe and calm inflamed skin whilst encouraging the removal of the hard layer of cells so often experienced by those suffering from this skin condition.
According to the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), psoriasis and the liver are closely linked. Whilst natural psoriasis creams can help to some extent, psoriasis may be caused by excess heat in the body and/or liver weakness or injury. Many psoriasis sufferers find great improvements in skin quality, texture and reduced inflammation when taking milk thistle capsules or milk thistle tea such as NutraLiver Tea by NutraTea. This is a good liver detox tea combining milk thistle, fennel, turmeric and other liver cleansing herbs.
As mentioned above, there is no substitute for quality milk thistle capsules to support the liver. Milk thistle's liver detox benefits the skin since the liver processes all toxins and an inability to detoxify efficiently can lead to skin rashes and inflammation. Milk thistle contains compounds which support detoxification.and often reduce inflammation. I recommend the use of milk thistle capsules such as DoSe by VH Milk Thistle Complex to enhance the liver's ability to neutralise and remove inflammatory toxins. This supplement for the liver alongside one of the natural psoriasis creams might prove to be effective.
Psoriasis can be extremely uncomfortable and any relief is always welcome. For those seeking steroid-free creams, I have highlighted some natural psoriasis creams that I feel may help especially when combined with a changes in diet and lifestyle.
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