Weekend Read 16 November 2024
Across the years we have launched many cutting-edge and pioneering brands and products and, leading by example, it remains critically important that any new supplement we launch and endorse must supersede all that has gone before in terms of ingredient integrity, innovation and efficacy. I have always believed that we have a duty and responsibility to recognise and honour significant advancements in the field, most especially because such advancements are steeped in clinical research and studies, allowing and enabling a considered, and balanced, conversation between us.
So, as we have that conversation, please allow me to introduce you to DoSe Liposomal CoQ10, but before I explain why this new formulation supersedes all else, let’s take a look at Co-Enzyme Q10 and why it is such an important nutrient. Known as ubiquinone, because it is ubiquitous in the human body, Co-Enzyme Q10 is required for the optimal function of our bodies, and it is required, alongside Magnesium, by each of our cells to make the energy molecule ATP (Adenosine triphosphate). Additionally, CoQ10 helps cells to take up fats and other nutrients which are also required for the production of energy.
CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant, which helps neutralise free radicals and this is important because highly reactive molecules are known to damage the tissues and possibly the genetic material within cells. Often recommended for heart conditions, such as high blood pressure, CoQ10 helps to protect the heart against free radical damage, but it also plays a role in oxygenating the heart muscle tissue and it has long been known that statins, which are widely prescribed for lowering cholesterol, reduce the production of CoQ10, which may also increase the risk of other health concerns, thus establishing the importance of CoQ10 supplementation here.
Like many other nutrients, our levels of CoQ10 decline with age, and deficiencies are often linked to fatigue, periodontal disease and muscle pain, with numerous studies also citing its importance for immunity and mental alertness. It is interesting to note here that studies have shown a 56% increase in cellular production by the brain when supplementing with CoQ10, and with ubiquinone being the chosen form of CoQ10 in most clinicals, let’s take a look at the reasons why.
There are two forms of CoQ10, ubiquinol and ubiquinone, and in each cell ubiquinone converts to and from ubiquinol many times per second for the provision of energy needed to support cellular processes. As with all nutrients, CoQ10 has to pass through the harsh environment of the stomach, an environment which deactivates large amounts of nutrients and medications, so bioavailability is a fundamental, and crucial, consideration here.
I wrote these same words recently about DoSe Liposomal Vitamin C, but they are important words because liposomal encapsulation technology ensures a far greater absorption into the bloodstream demonstrating that when a nutrient is wrapped with phospholipid molecules it is protected against our stomach acids. Because of the importance of delivering ubiquinone directly into cells, the liposomal encapsulation technology used in this formulation ensures that almost all of the CoQ10, as ubiquinone, is delivered to the cells of the body, in compliance with, and with an acknowledgement of, cited clinicals.
As we wrap this launch, I absolutely know that I am forever writing about the importance of taking the correct therapeutic dose of any nutrient, but it is vitally important and because DoSe Liposomal CoQ10 delivers a massive 200 mg of CoQ10 per daily dose, which is perfectly safe, it truly supersedes all that has gone before. For the record, Shabir and I both take CoQ10, because we both recognise that our levels of CoQ10 have declined, so as I invite you to join us, we are launching DoSe Liposomal CoQ10 at £40.80 for the interim, and after the interim it will become £48. And with that said, we are complete.
VH Editorial: Choosing The Right Co-Enzyme Q10; DoSe Liposomal CoQ10 £40.80 for 240 ml (48 days’ supply); DoSe Liposomal Vitamin C Duo £49 for 2 x 240 ml (96 days’ supply); DoSe Liposomal Vitamin C £35 for 240 ml (48 days’ supply)
I want to follow through with some words about Magnesium, because having mentioned above that Magnesium is required alongside CoQ10 for the production of the energy molecule ATP, it is also important to say that without energy our cells cannot divide efficiently, which can hinder and compromise the body’s repair and healing processes. Being a key mineral, Magnesium is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in our bodies, including the healthy ageing process where studies have indicated that a lack of Magnesium often aligns with age-related issues, including increased risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and insulin resistance.
It is estimated that approximately 70% of adults are Magnesium deficient, which is staggering, and as many of you are aware, there are various forms of Magnesium, which can often lead to confusion as to the form of Magnesium we should be taking. Given that the DoSe protocol honours pioneering advancement, DoSe Magnesium Complex is just that, an advanced formulation containing eight different forms of Magnesium, with each form providing the correct therapeutic dose to maximise their primary benefits. Rather a lot of us take Magnesium Complex, so I will honour that too as I drop the price of Magnesium Complex from £22 to £18.70.
VH Editorial: Magnesium Supplements: Benefits, Deficiencies & Side Effects; DoSe Magnesium Complex £18.70 for 60 Capsules
Staying with deficiencies, I often write about vitamin B12 because B12 deficiencies are widespread and the older we get, the more likely we are to be deficient. There are two main reasons for this, firstly because our digestive system ages with us, which in turn makes it difficult to absorb the required nutrients our bodies need, but perhaps more importantly the main causal factor for this deficiency is the loss of the ability of the stomach to produce a protein, intrinsic factor, which binds with vitamin B12 allowing absorption in the intestine.
Vitamin B12 is required for many vital functions including energy production, blood formation, DNA synthesis and for the protection of the nervous system. The other thing to say here is that many experts believed that a B12 deficiency was solely associated with vegetarians since plant sources have virtually no B12, however this belief was incorrect. Statistics currently indicate that most people over the age of fifty are deficient in B12, thus we recommend B12 Elite because it delivers two absorbable forms of B12, Adenosylcobalamin and Methylcobalamin, which are essential for optimum biological processes, and with that said, B12 Elite drops in price from £14 to £12.
VH Editorial: Are You Getting Sufficient B12; B12 Elite by Life Extension £12 for 60 Lozenges (offer ends at midnight GMT, Sunday 17 November)
Moving on, and for balance, I wrote about the ongoing implications of stress last weekend mentioning Magnolia Rhodiola Complex, which is our bestselling product for relieving the symptoms of stress, anxiety and low mood. However brilliant Magnolia Rhodiola Complex is, and it is, it contra-indicates with prescribed anti-depressants, but Florassist Mood Improve doesn’t contra-indicate and it is therefore safe to take with prescribed anti-depressants, or it can of course be taken as a stand-alone. And that’s the balance.
The interesting thing about Florassist Mood Improve is that it is actually a probiotic and two specific bacteria, Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 and Bifidobacterium longum R0175, have been studied extensively and been the subject of clinicals where they were found to relieve the symptoms of anxiety and low mood, while also helping to reduce levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. Shabir does the in-depth in his article linked below and I am dropping the price of Florassist Mood Improve from £26 to £22, and for those who are not on prescribed medication, Magnolia Rhodiola Complex and Florassist Mood Improve can be taken together for optimum support.
VH Editorial: A Probiotic Supplement To Relieve Anxiety; Florassist Mood Improve by Life Extension £22 for 30 Capsules (offer ends at midnight GMT, Sunday 17 November); DoSe Magnolia Rhodiola Complex £28 for 60 Capsules
Right, let’s do some health concerns and lower back pain is a real concern and it is thought that most people will suffer from back pain at least once in their lives, with lower back pain being the most common type of pain. The small of the back, known as the lumbar region, undergoes considerable stress and can become sprained easily. Known as lumbago, movement can be painful, and I think the thing to do here is to refer you to Shabir’s article which looks at root causes and solutions, and referencing two of those solutions, Pure Magnesium Oil Spray drops in price from £14.99 to £12 and Ross J. Barr’s Healing Patches drop from £15 to £11.25.
VH Editorial: Lower Back Pain; Pure Magnesium Oil Spray £12 for 237 ml; Healing Patches by Ross J. Barr £11.25 for Five Patches
I wrote about Sarcopenia a few weeks ago, and I am mentioning it again because our statistics show that this is one of our most-read articles in recent weeks, which doesn’t really surprise me because it is rarely written about, yet Sarcopenia is a natural process of ageing and by definition it is the loss of muscle mass, muscle strength and the loss of co-ordination of muscle movements. Studies have shown that from the age of thirty we begin to lose muscle mass by approximately 3-8% per decade, with an acceleration of that loss from the age of fifty, yet whatever our age, the Department of Health advises that we each need at least 50 grams of protein per day.
That recommendation is mostly applicable if you are under the age of 50, or if you are relatively inactive, and with evidence supporting the need to further increase protein levels, we recommend Whey Concentrate Protein which provides 21 grams of protein per serving which can be blended into yoghurts, porridge or smoothies. We also recommend Creatine, which is an amino acid and recognised as a building block of protein, and with a loading dose of two heaped teaspoons per day for seven days, this can also be blended into food or liquids, and with powerful protein cocktails on the agenda, the price of Creatine Monohydrate Powder drops from £38.99 to £34.
VH Editorial: What Is Sarcopenia; Whey Concentrate Protein by Purition £11.49 for 200 grams; Creatine Monohydrate Powder by HealthAid £34 for 200 grams
Another new product to launch today, it comes from Dirtea and it is their Chai Super Blend. This is where Indian spices are blended with powerful functional mushrooms including Lion’s Mane, Tremella and Reishi, enhanced with vitamins B6, B12 and B5. Containing 2,400 mg of dual-extracted mushrooms per serving, the warming spices used in this formulation include Cardamom, Cinnamon, Clove and Ginger. There are thirty servings in each packet and it launches at £43, unless of course you are a VH Addict, when it becomes £38.70.
Chai Super Blend by Dirtea £43 for 180 grams; VH Addicts
Heading into some feedback, I would quite like a weekend where we didn’t have any stock issues, and maybe that will happen today, and maybe it won’t, but nevertheless I had two great big headaches last weekend. I’ll start with Night Time Immunity Drink, and without going into detail, which is actually quite boring, we didn’t receive our delivery before the Weekend Read was released and it was too late to change the newsletter, so we put a note on the product page instead, which is far from ideal, but it served a purpose, as such. So, with apologies for the delay, we are now in stock of Night Time Immunity Drink and with nothing to add, onto my next headache.
Night Time Immunity Drink by Tonic Health £8.99 for Ten Sachets
And that headache came in the shape of Neom’s Ceramic Circle Natural Diffuser, the new diffuser which replaced their Ceramic Star, which completely sold out within approximately ten days of launch. I’m not sure of the precise time we sold out of the Ceramic Circle on Saturday, but I do know that Lara phoned me at about 10 am and said that I hadn’t ordered enough. Of course, everything in life is my fault and I am only grateful that Nicholas, my son, her brother, isn’t part of VH, which would compound my headache, but notwithstanding my apparent failure, the Ceramic Circle is back in stock and I think I’ve got it covered now. Think.
Ceramic Circle Natural Diffuser by Neom Wellbeing £5
Onwards, and as we now appear to be in seasonal gift territory, and I have been writing about seasonal gifts since September, let me just run through some of our bestselling gifts to date and I’ll start with Sleep Club from This Works, which includes five x 5 ml of the award-winning, clinically proven Deep Sleep Pillow Spray. It was an awfully long time, but I remember when those clinicals were carried out and it was such an achievement at that time, actually it still is and Sleep Club stands in celebration of that achievement and with a value of £30, Sleep Club is £13, I feel that is also something to celebrate.
Sleep Club by This Works £13 (whilst stock lasts)
And one more from This Works, and this time it is Sparkle & Shine which includes Perfect Cleavage & Neck Serum (20 ml), together with Perfect Legs Skin Miracle (20 ml), and as above with the clinicals on Deep Sleep Pillow Spray, I remember launching Perfect Cleavage. That was another moment, there was nothing like it at the time, it was remarkable and I always thought it aligned with the brilliance of Dior’s Svelte, except Dior’s Svelte disappeared a long time ago because of regulatory nonsense, but let’s not dwell on that because we still have the legendary Perfect Cleavage and Perfect Legs Skin Miracle.
Sparkle & Shine by This Works £20 (whilst stock lasts)
Let’s put Morning Ritual Duo from Aromatherapy Associates on our list, essentially because it features Revive Shower Oil (50 ml) and Revive Body Oil (100 ml) and with both products loaded with refreshing Grapefruit, energising Rosemary and revitalising Juniper berries, our senses are most definitely revived. I’m actually not sure whether Aromatherapy Associates will continue offering this set after the season has ended, but I hope they do because it is £30 and with a product value of £67, I am not surprised it has become a bestselling product.
Morning Ritual Duo by Aromatherapy Associates £30 (whilst stock lasts, caveated to stay safe)
Three from TEMPLESPA which I absolutely know are not coming back and they are Truffle Mousse Shower Foam, a rather indulgent showering experience, Joyful Moments, which includes The Good Life Invigorating Aromatic Candle (75 grams) and Happy Space Energising Aromatic Diffuser (50 ml) and finally The Recharge Spa. The Recharge Spa contains six aromatherapy journeys to either restore, energise or relax using botanical blends of Mediterranean essential oils, and with details on the product page, one more paragraph to write about seasonal gifts and then we head into the Saturday only treat.
Truffle Mousse Shower Foam by TEMPLESPA £20 for 150 ml; Joyful Moments by TEMPLESPA £45; The Recharge Spa by TEMPLESPA £30 (whilst stock lasts)
This paragraph is just to say that we have four different categories under the umbrella heading of Seasonal Gifts and I’m going to discount one product from each section because I feel like it. So let’s start with Stocking Fillers where the price of the Margaret Dabbs Luxury Hemp Socks drops from £12 to £9.60, following through with Gift Sets where Neom’s Perfect Night Sleep’s Wellbeing Discovery Collection drops from £50 to £44 and another gift from Neom in Gifts Under £50, and here the Essential Oil Blend Discovery Set drops from £35 to £31. One more and sitting in Luxury Gifts, Six Luxury Traditional Christmas Crackers drop from £66 to £52.80. Voila, we’re done.
Luxury Hemp Socks by Margaret Dabbs London £9.60; Perfect Night Sleep’s Wellbeing Discovery Collection by Neom Wellbeing £44; Essential Oil Blend Discovery Set by Neom Wellbeing £31; Six Luxury Traditional Christmas Crackers by Margaret Dabbs London £52.80 (all whilst stock lasts)
And here is the Saturday only treat, so with every order placed for £35 and above, excluding p&p, we will automatically include TEMPLESPA’s All Talk Travel Lip Balm* and I know we gift this quite regularly, but it is a much-loved product and packed with natural plant extracts, vitamins and botanicals, it is super-rich and fabulous. Product details below.
All Talk Travel Lip Balm (offer ends at midnight GMT, Saturday 16 November)
I don’t have many more words to write, but I recently read a review on our company profile commenting that the music we shared each weekend was inspirational, and that touched me. It touched me because music is a great healer, it touched me because music can so often support an emotional release, and it touched me because we must always share the things that touch us the most. And this song, and this performance, touches me.
Where Have All The Flowers Gone by Marlene Dietrich; The VH Playlist
With love and with gratitude; I read everything you write to us.
Thank you.
Gill x