Our Six Best Products For Summer Feet
As temperatures rise and we begin to bare parts of our bodies that haven't made an appearance since the Summer of 2022 the question on everyone's lips is: Are you Summer Feet Ready? Continue reading for all our top tips on how to prep and maintain perfect summer feet.
From sandpaper heels to swollen toes we have all the remedies to smooth, soothe, soften and shine. From our favourite files to Gill's most talked about and iconic anti-fungal cream, we have all the tricks to make summer sandal wearing both a sightly and comfortable experience.
Easy-to-use, professional-grade and designed to maintain sharpness and precision, these Toe Nail Cutters help shape even thickened nails.
Margaret Dabbs London, Toe Nail Cutter
Hands-down, the best foot file we've ever tested; the Alida Foot File for hard skin and callouses leaves your feet feeling gloriously soft and smooth.
Alida, Pink Foot File
Protects your nails to reduce splitting and simply give you a smoother, more refined finish. Slim, elegant and most importantly effective; the fine abrasive finish makes for smooth and shiny finger and toenails that are less prone to breakage.
Margaret Dabbs London, Crystal Nail File
Clinisept+ Podiatry Spray, is a next-generation hypochlorous solution for the feet that cleanses, deodorises, and provides exceptional microbial control.. For daily preventative & treatment, Clinisept foot spray may be used for athlete's foot or as an antibacterial foot spray helping to banish foot odour.
Clinisept+ Podiatry
The ultimate grease-free luxury moisturising foot cream for dry, cracked feet. Infused with soothing ingredients such as Argan Oil, Shea Butter and Arnica, moisture locking Hyaluronic Acid and exfoliating hydroxy acids to help combat dry, cracked & tired feet.
Dermelect, Runway Ready Luxury Foot Treatment
Ful.Vic.Health Fulvic Acid Nail Cream with Ioniplex®, a fulvic ionic mineral, is a breakthrough nail cream formulation from Victoria Health which promotes nail growth, strengthens nails, resists splits, peels and prevents nail cracks and ridges.
Ful.Vic.Health, Fulvic Acid Nail Cream