
Editorial - Jo Fairley

Something In The Air

Something In The Air

There are green shoots out there. The light’s shifted, suddenly. And I don’t know about you, but at this time of year I begin – just begin – to think about changing the fragrance I wear. Now, perfume...

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And Just B-R-E-A-T-H-E

And Just B-R-E-A-T-H-E

I haven’t always breathed brilliantly. My overriding childhood memory is of a Wright’s Coal Tar Burner flickering in the corner of my bedroom, in an effort to ‘open up my passages’ (as my mother rathe...

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Good Vibrations

Good Vibrations

I believe that every one of us is honour-bound to give ourselves plenty of TLC. And that means finding the right mix of exercise, supplements, foods and de-stressing techniques which keep us balanced...

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Winter Feet

Winter Feet

We hear so much about getting feet ‘sandal-ready’ – but much less about getting them ‘slipper-ready’. Yet feet work just as hard (and have their own beauty and health challenges), during the colder mo...

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How Your Phone Can Make You Healthy

How Your Phone Can Make You Healthy

It suddenly dawned on me the other day that my phone is keeping me fit. And healthy. And less stressed. And I’m a) surprised and b) rather pleased about it. Yes, I know that phones are also the curse...

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Getting Your Yoga Mojo Back

Getting Your Yoga Mojo Back

Summertime, and the living was l-a-z-y… Does that sound familiar? Somehow, when it’s sunny outside, the allure of our indoor exercise regime dips, doesn’t it? Rather get a bit of extra vitamin D than...

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