
Editorial - Magnolia Rhodiola Complex

Morning Anxiety: Five Tricks To Help You Feel Less Frantic First Thing

Morning Anxiety: Five Tricks To Help You Feel Less Frantic First Thing

If you’re not a morning person, you’re not alone. What most of us would give for a few more hours’ sleep during the working week. However, while most feel lethargic and a bit sluggish when their alarm...

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Trinny & Shabir Live: The Best Supplements

Trinny & Shabir Live: The Best Supplements

If you find the world of supplements overwhelming then watching this 20 minute video will help. Shabir and Trinny explore the best supplements and explain what they’re good for and why you might benef...

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Trinny & Shabir Live: Post-Summer Concerns

Trinny & Shabir Live: Post-Summer Concerns

With summer drawing to a close and autumn just beginning, Shabir joined Trinny Woodall in the bathroom to discuss the causes, symptoms and treatments available for some of the most common post-summer...

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Trinny & Shabir Live: Menopause

Trinny & Shabir Live: Menopause

If you missed Shabir and Trinny Woodall’s Facebook Live this weekend, catch up on everything here. Themed solely around the menopause, Shabir offered advice on how to tackle the most common symptoms w...

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How To Tackle Low Mood

How To Tackle Low Mood

There are hundreds of thousands of people taking mood elevating drugs to tackle the symptoms of low mood and yet there have always been questions asked about whether mood elevating drugs actually work...

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Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)? Seasonal Affective Disorder, also referred to as SAD, is a condition that affects over half a million people in the UK. This condition impacts upon the ment...

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