
Editorial - Catherine Turner

Your Healthiest Smile

Your Healthiest Smile

My fear of the dentist stemmed from around age ten when I had to have four teeth extracted to make room in my ‘overcrowded’ mouth. I did manage to escape without train track braces, but the damage was...

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Owning our own bodies

Owning our own bodies

As children, we’re very connected to our physical bodies – all being well, we move freely, our bodily functions happen naturally. Once our minds start kicking in there’s a sense of d...

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Feet on the Ground

Feet on the Ground

At an Ayurvedic retreat in India recently, it was recommended that I walk on the grass barefoot. Later when I was wandering around the garden, post thunderstorm, it felt a tad awkward to discard my f...

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How Are You Eating?

How Are You Eating?

Most of the time, I eat in an extremely hurried way. I try to start the day with a leisurely breakfast, but that rarely happens (need to get to work, deadline to meet, phone calls to make, bills to pa...

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Get In Touch

Get In Touch

Many of us think of massage as something pampering, an occasional treat or something we book if and when we ever have time to go to a spa. We might understand the physical benefits of manipulating m...

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Under Our Skin – Inner Beauty

Under Our Skin – Inner Beauty

For me beauty has always meant beyond the superficial. Of course, we can see it as a commercialised industry – and it is. In 2012 in the UK, we spent nearly £8,438 million on fragrance, make-up, skin...

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