Weekend Read 4 January 2025
Hello and a happy New Year to each and every one of you as 2025 begins and as we continue to stand in our own truth, I want to thank you so very much for your words of encouragement and support because these things really matter. I absolutely promise you that I will never stop reporting about the issues that affect each and every one of us and because there are any number of issues which require transparent reporting, that’s where we are going to begin.
As I was writing the VH Awards, I read a disturbing and shocking report about female ‘influencers’ recommending health products to ‘cure’ Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), when in fact there is no cure, but more than that, PCOS is in fact a medical condition which is still not fully understood by qualified medical professionals, despite extensive research. The issue here is that anybody can jump onto social media, or post articles, about any given health concern, totally disregarding the impact it has on those who are most vulnerable, and this is not only relevant to PCOS.
This is particularly dangerous when the subject matter is our health and wellbeing because intent remains questionable and although it is our right to choose, it is also our right to question the accountability of health reporting. I question that accountability often, mostly because health reporting requires a depth of understanding and knowledge, not least the qualifications required to advise on supplementation contra-indicating with prescribed medication, which is so often overlooked as ‘facts’ get blurred in the face of financially driven incentives, which all too often significantly fail in any form of objectivity.
For the record, I am linking Shabir’s article on PCOS below, and on the subject of objectivity, this is incredibly important if we are to remain consistent to ethos. Many of you know that I was vehemently against introducing a review system on our site, but I had to get over myself because it was me against everybody else, and because this is turning into a conversation, let me just link the article on PCOS and continue this discussion on the next paragraph.
VH Editorial: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
There were several reasons why I was so resistant to reviews, but primarily it was because there were some very high-profile brands and sites that were called out for false representation, in other words their reviews were paid-for reviews. This threw up all kinds of trust issues, and I didn’t want to be associated with any of them, but nevertheless we were consistently asked to put reviews onto our site and after several months of deep diving and due diligence, we approved a review system which stood up in terms of robust professionalism.
In all of this, I had one other concern, that being that I didn’t want to intrude on your privacy by bombarding you with emails, and to a certain extent I still carry that concern. Being pragmatic, I know that there is no obligation to leave a review, so I have had to get over that too, but the other side to this story is that I am so incredibly touched by your reviews and I read each and every review, so some words about that.
We have two types of reviews; one is a company review and the other is a product review and it is the latter where I am going to throw the focus. Product reviews are so individual, in that not every product will work for everybody and I fully accept that, I always have because there is no such thing as product Utopia, but more often than not, we come pretty close. As I have written so very often, DoSe skincare was launched on a health platform, and in the acknowledgement that it can take time to see visible results from any given formulation, please allow me to share two verbatim reviews, the first of which is about Ergothioneine Serum.
‘This is a miracle. I suffer from sebaceous hyperplasia, a benign overgrowth of sebaceous glands. They look like small red craters. There is no lasting treatment. Since starting Ergothioneine Serum, all the growths on my cheeks and forehead have disappeared, save for two of the larger ones which are shrinking. Thank you for this remarkable serum’. Note: I gulped, read it five times and punched the air screaming ‘yes’ and thank you. There is a God.
DoSe Ergothioneine Serum
This next review includes one of Shabir’s favourite formulations, Multi-Peptide Anti-Ageing Serum, as follows: ‘I have been using DoSe products (previously GOW) for several years now. I have always had very sensitive, red skin and have struggled with breakouts for many years, even though I am almost 50. The combination of Multi-Peptide Anti-Ageing Serum and Peptide Rescue Serum, recommended by Shabir when I wrote asking for help, have been the first truly effective products to calm my skin. Breakouts are now minimal; my skin feels smoother and plumper and they have made such a huge difference’. Note: Efficacy trumps hype every single time.
DoSe Multi-Peptide Anti-Ageing Serum; DoSe Peptide Rescue Serum
Throughout the years, we have remained steadfast in our belief about the importance of understanding individual health concerns and this is one of the most significant aspects of who and what we are together. So, I want to stay with skin health as we take a look at Perioral dermatitis (POD), a common skin concern that can occur around the mouth, nose and eyes. POD around the mouth is quite characteristic with a dry, flaky red rash around the mouth, often with tiny bumps, which many may consider to be dry skin, or winter dry skin.
POD is different from eczema, rosacea, acne and dry skin, although there may be an overlap of symptoms and whilst the exact cause of POD remains unknown, there are several possible causes including the use of steroidal creams and nasal sprays, which may break down the top layer of skin, the use of heavy skin moisturisers or cosmetic products that stop skin from breathing and hormonal changes, because POD is most common in women between the ages of 16 and 45. Shabir walks us through POD offering a simple, yet effective, skincare regimen using DoSe products.
VH Editorial: What Is Perioral Dermatitis; DoSe Daily Cleanser; DoSe Daily Moisturiser; DoSe Azelaic Acid 10% Serum
On from this, and staying with skin health, I have a new product to tell you about, and it’s a bath product. It’s called OakSoak (Feed Your Skin) and made with 100% Scottish Oats, and nothing else, these specialised oats are suitable for skin prone to dryness and sensitivity, eczema, psoriasis, sunburn and itchiness. The way this works is that the colloidal oatmeal clings to skin locking in moisture. Using two heaped tablespoons in each bath, this therapeutic soak is such an important launch for those of us who have sensitive skin and can’t use fragranced products, but actually it is an important launch regardless of skin type because feeding the skin is a thing.
This Weekend Read is shorter than normal, but deliberately so because it was always going to be more of a discussion than anything else, but I just want to conclude by writing about the many viruses that are floating around at the moment and because many of you have been prescribed antibiotics, a few words. Antibiotics destroy the friendly gut in the bacteria which are involved in digestion, detoxification, mood regulation, the immune system and numerous other processes.
Immediately after a course of antibiotics, we recommend Mega Probio at a dose of two capsules twice a day for two weeks, followed by one capsule twice a day for a month to help restore the friendly bacteria in the gut. Many antibiotics are also responsible for the depletion of energising B-vitamins and here we recommend taking the food-state Vitamin B Complex with Vitamin C for one month.
DoSe Mega Probio; Vitamin B Complex with Vitamin C by Terranova
We are nearly there, but if you are wondering why I haven’t put prices against any of the products mentioned, there is a reason and that reason is because to kick-start 2025, we are offering a 15% sitewide discount* across this weekend. This offer will end at midnight GMT, Sunday 5 January and there are a few instances where this discount is non-applicable, but that is noted on the individual product pages.
Shop The Site
After all is said and done, it really matters that we take care of each other and this offer reflects the importance of staying close and staying real, in a world which continues to be so incredibly difficult, something I am more than aware of. As 2025 unfolds, let us hope that it will bring an abundance of joy, happiness and good health. It may be January, but we can still walk on sunshine. Together.
Walking On Sunshine by Katrina & The Waves; The VH Playlist
My goodness the VH Playlist is getting so incredibly long, but never mind that, I’m not editing it because it reflects our journey, so with all of that said, I hope you have a restful weekend.
With love
Gill x